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Old 16-03-2011, 02:24 PM   #1
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Default Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

I just heard the most ridiculous thing on ABC24.

A lobbyist was interviewed, saying that Japanese car dealers in Australia need a tax break bailout from Australian taxpayers, as they will lose market share as of disrupted supply and it will take them years to get their market share back!

I was unaware my tax should be used to subsidise Japanese auto makers to maintain their dominance of sales in the Australian car market (admitting they do employ Australians too, but really, what the...)!

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Old 16-03-2011, 02:27 PM   #2
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Hopefully the government see that for the self servicing tripe that it is and tells they they are dreaming.
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Old 16-03-2011, 02:40 PM   #3
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by JG34JA
I just heard the most ridiculous thing on ABC24.

A lobbyist was interviewed, saying that Japanese car dealers in Australia need a tax break bailout from Australian taxpayers, as they will lose market share as of disrupted supply and it will take them years to get their market share back!

I was unaware my tax should be used to subsidise Japanese auto makers to maintain their dominance of sales in the Australian car market (admitting they do employ Australians too, but really, what the...)!
That idea is as b/s as the carbon tax and about as popular
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Old 16-03-2011, 02:47 PM   #4
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by JG34JA
I just heard the most ridiculous thing on ABC24.

A lobbyist was interviewed, saying that Japanese car dealers in Australia need a tax break bailout from Australian taxpayers, as they will lose market share as of disrupted supply and it will take them years to get their market share back!

I was unaware my tax should be used to subsidise Japanese auto makers to maintain their dominance of sales in the Australian car market (admitting they do employ Australians too, but really, what the...)!

But JG, Japanese cars account for about 25% of cars sold in australia, whereas australian cars only account for approx 11% of cars sold here. So one could safely assume, the selling of imported japanese cars is a huge employer.

The Mazda salesman has a family to feed too. After all you are a vigorous defender of government support to keep car industry jobs going.

If I understand right, you want the australian government to give Holden money so they can import 75% of the cruze, and you want the government to give money to toyota to import a huge part of the camry hybrid, but when the australian salesman at a Mazda dealership loses his job due to lack of cars due to the worst natural disaster in many years, then thats different.
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Old 16-03-2011, 02:53 PM   #5
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

How many Japanese cars are actually built in Japan?
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Old 16-03-2011, 02:58 PM   #6
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by OzJavelin
How many Japanese cars are actually built in Japan?
I am going to take a wild punt, and say 100%. A Mazda made in Thailand etc, is not a japanese car, its a Thai car. I assume by your meaning, then there are no australian cars, they are only american and japanese cars.
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Old 16-03-2011, 03:00 PM   #7
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
But JG, Japanese cars account for about 25% of cars sold in australia, whereas australian cars only account for approx 11% of cars sold here. So one could safely assume, the selling of imported japanese cars is a huge employer.

The Mazda salesman has a family to feed too. After all you are a vigorous defender of government support to keep car industry jobs going.

If I understand right, you want the australian government to give Holden money so they can import 75% of the cruze, and you want the government to give money to toyota to import a huge part of the camry hybrid, but when the australian salesman at a Mazda dealership loses his job due to lack of cars due to the worst natural disaster in many years, then thats different.
Touche, you have my colours nailed to the mast. However, you should be intelligent enough to realise that tax subsidies should see more cars be sold to those waiting for a Japanese 'bargain' at the expense of every other competing company out there. This is an unnatural distortion of the sales environment. Not the manufacturing environment. Different things.

But yes, the Mazda or Subaru sales staff are Australian people as well - initially I would think a dearth of supply would lead to a scarcity of vehicles, so let's make them fly out the door with subsidies. That is the irony of the lobbyist's proposal.

Japan is a beautiful country with a well organised and protected manufacturing base and wonderful, kind, ordered people (been there long stay) - a great deal of stimulus is about to be undertaken to rebuild the nation, and this has nothing to do with sales incentives to skew the Australia sales market in cars.
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Old 16-03-2011, 03:01 PM   #8
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by JG34JA
A lobbyist was interviewed,
That sounds like the start of a joke....... its just not funny when the punchline is payed for with our tax dollars, be it for japanese car makers, interprative dance troups or the endangered green speckled frog.


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Old 16-03-2011, 03:09 PM   #9
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
I am going to take a wild punt, and say 100%. A Mazda made in Thailand etc, is not a japanese car, its a Thai car. I assume by your meaning, then there are no australian cars, they are only american and japanese cars.
My meaning is that the Japanese-owned car companies *probably* build a majority of their cars in manufacturing plants outside Japan.
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Old 16-03-2011, 04:04 PM   #10
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

There's no need for disrupted supply. The Japanese makers could easily utilise spare parts manufacturing capacity here in Australia that is woefully under utilised and dying on the vine because of their market dominance. Also in this great landscape of globalisation, Australia's economy will take a similar hit any way.
Thundering on....
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Old 16-03-2011, 04:22 PM   #11
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

I wonder sometimes why I don't come onto these forums much. Then I read crap like this and realise why. In effect in my opinion you are pretty much saying. screw anyone who doesn't work with australian cars and they can die for all you care.
Bobthebilda hit the nail on the head really well.
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Old 16-03-2011, 06:25 PM   #12
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by OzJavelin
How many Japanese cars are actually built in Japan?
All Mazda passenger cars and SUV's, while commercial is built in Thailand.

All Mitsubishi's.

All Nissan's except the Dualis, Navara, Pathfinder, Micra, Tiida.

All Subi's except the tribeca (USA).

All Toyota's except Camry, Aurion, Hilux.
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Old 16-03-2011, 06:25 PM   #13
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

As far as i'm aware no factory was destroyed, and only a couple suffered minor damage and will be back in production by the end of the week.

Why should they be given subsidies, supply will barely be affected.
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Old 16-03-2011, 06:43 PM   #14
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Personally I think money should be given to help the victims to help them have food, water, etc... seeing as some may be displaced for up to 8 years.
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Old 17-03-2011, 07:46 AM   #15
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by vztrt
All Mazda passenger cars and SUV's, while commercial is built in Thailand.

All Mitsubishi's.

All Nissan's except the Dualis, Navara, Pathfinder, Micra, Tiida.

All Subi's except the tribeca (USA).

All Toyota's except Camry, Aurion, Hilux.
And Corolla, which is made in either South Africa or Thailand.
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Old 17-03-2011, 09:19 AM   #16
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Maybe we can get a Japanese subsidy for the fire, floods and cyclones which have devastated much of Australia. Ridiculous.

There's no need for disrupted supply. The Japanese makers could easily utilise spare parts manufacturing capacity here in Australia that is woefully under utilised and dying on the vine because of their market dominance. Also in this great landscape of globalisation, Australia's economy will take a similar hit any way.
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Old 17-03-2011, 01:08 PM   #17
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by phillyc
Maybe we can get a Japanese subsidy for the fire, floods and cyclones which have devastated much of Australia. Ridiculous.

Not sure if you are being racist philly, or just ignorant. The subsidy idea wasnt for any money to flow to japanese companies etc. The idea was that it was to flow to employees / companies in australia, who's livelihood was reliant on the importation and selling of japanese made cars. ie basically 25% of all cars sold in australia. ie probably the biggest employer group in the australian auto industry.

People here are vigorous defenders of taxpayers money going to prop up the inefficient operations of american subsidiaries GM and Ford, and the japanese subisdiary. Lets give taxpayer money to the morons at Ford OZ marketing who cant sell a car, or lets give money to head of Holden Deveraux because he's employed to tell lies, but screw the mazda 3 or corolla salesman whose work ethic and customer service has made these cars some of the best sellers in australia.

Sometimes some of the illinformed hypocites who support government money going to Holden or Ford oz, or Toyota should just say its ok as long as it doesnt go to the black, jewish or chinese employees of those companies.
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Old 17-03-2011, 01:15 PM   #18
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by phillyc
Maybe we can get a Japanese subsidy for the fire, floods and cyclones which have devastated much of Australia. Ridiculous.


Good point, plenty of farmers got belted through years of drought and then were fooded, I dont recall any overseas tax subsidies being offered.

Its also a little premature as I dont beleive anyone is aware of what the impact will be on local Japanese car dealers here in Australia. GoAuto suggested that Japan had a good stock pile of vehicles and that these were being loaded on ships to supply Australia. Some of the manufacturers have already resumed production (Nissan)

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Old 17-03-2011, 02:01 PM   #19
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
Not sure if you are being racist philly, or just ignorant. The subsidy idea wasnt for any money to flow to japanese companies etc. The idea was that it was to flow to employees / companies in australia, who's livelihood was reliant on the importation and selling of japanese made cars. ie basically 25% of all cars sold in australia. ie probably the biggest employer group in the australian auto industry.

People here are vigorous defenders of taxpayers money going to prop up the inefficient operations of american subsidiaries GM and Ford, and the japanese subisdiary. Lets give taxpayer money to the morons at Ford OZ marketing who cant sell a car, or lets give money to head of Holden Deveraux because he's employed to tell lies, but screw the mazda 3 or corolla salesman whose work ethic and customer service has made these cars some of the best sellers in australia.

Sometimes some of the illinformed hypocites who support government money going to Holden or Ford oz, or Toyota should just say its ok as long as it doesnt go to the black, jewish or chinese employees of those companies.
Now who is being ignorant? Care to explain where the money goes when an overseas car is sold in Australia? Compare the % that goes to the manufacturer compared to the % that goes to the dealer.

How is the mazda 3 or corolla salesman being screwed? Most of the manufacturing plants are fine and are back up and running. The manufacturers had stock of cars that have beeb shipped. The head of Nissan Australia has already said he as adequate stock of cars.

Bob, Australia is a free country and you choose not to support local manufacturing, and thats your decision. I do support local manufacturing and drive a G6ET and its a great car (you should take one for a test drive) But why come up with some of the rubbish you do? (suggesting the dealers and sales people who sell imported cars in Australia is the biggest employer group in the Automotive Industry???) - where do you get your information from?

As for government subsidies to the local manufacturers they are only available whilst the manufacturers provide (ether directly or indirectly) a large no of Aussies jobs. The world is not a level playing field, different countries have different advantages and disadvantages, most of these are due to the rules and relations that are enforced by different government bodies. Governments recognise this and as such they try to offer balances to protect local jobs (by various means) Is it really that hard for you to understand?

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Old 17-03-2011, 02:07 PM   #20
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Mazda places the highest priority on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its suppliers, their employees and their families in the affected region. In consideration of this, and as part of the recovery efforts underway throughout Japan, Mazda will extend the production suspension at its Hiroshima and Hofu plants until March 20. Previously, operations were scheduled to be suspended from the night shift on March 14 through to the night shift on March 16.

Mazda will announce any further production changes for March 21 onward as soon as a decision is made.

Don't comment on what you don't know, true there is a few models of mazda that are built in thailand, but not all.
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Old 17-03-2011, 02:12 PM   #21
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
Not sure if you are being racist philly, or just ignorant. The subsidy idea wasnt for any money to flow to japanese companies etc. The idea was that it was to flow to employees / companies in australia, who's livelihood was reliant on the importation and selling of japanese made cars. ie basically 25% of all cars sold in australia. ie probably the biggest employer group in the australian auto industry.

People here are vigorous defenders of taxpayers money going to prop up the inefficient operations of american subsidiaries GM and Ford, and the japanese subisdiary. Lets give taxpayer money to the morons at Ford OZ marketing who cant sell a car, or lets give money to head of Holden Deveraux because he's employed to tell lies, but screw the mazda 3 or corolla salesman whose work ethic and customer service has made these cars some of the best sellers in australia.

Sometimes some of the illinformed hypocites who support government money going to Holden or Ford oz, or Toyota should just say its ok as long as it doesnt go to the black, jewish or chinese employees of those companies.
im sick of people saying people are racist because someone says something about another country.
If for example 1 million cars are going to be sold in Australia this year then that amount will be sold whether 25% or 10% are Japanese models. Cars aren't brought for the sake of it they are brought because they are needed. The Mazda, Toyota or whatever Japanese brand salesman will just have to look for a job with whoever picks up the demand.
I agree with the government helping out holden and ford because they are trying to keep production here. Has nothing to do with being racist.
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Old 17-03-2011, 02:46 PM   #22
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by dusty86
Mazda places the highest priority on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its suppliers, their employees and their families in the affected region. In consideration of this, and as part of the recovery efforts underway throughout Japan, Mazda will extend the production suspension at its Hiroshima and Hofu plants until March 20. Previously, operations were scheduled to be suspended from the night shift on March 14 through to the night shift on March 16.

Mazda will announce any further production changes for March 21 onward as soon as a decision is made.

Don't comment on what you don't know, true there is a few models of mazda that are built in thailand, but not all.

Mazda Australia marketing manager has stated there are no supply disruptions for Australia.


Most of the manufacturers are south of Tokyo and are unaffected. If you have more information regardng potential supply issues feel free to share it.

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Old 17-03-2011, 02:57 PM   #23
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

=ray38l]im sick of people saying people are racist because someone says something about another country.
Hope you feel better Ray, could be from the radiation i guess. A question of if someone is racist or ignorant, is a question. not a statement of fact. Its pretty well established that the money (that was only requested) was going to the employee's etc (and not to japanese companies). So the original statement by philly was just based on ignorance.

The Mazda, Toyota or whatever Japanese brand salesman will just have to look for a job with whoever picks up the demand.
Very good point i think. Apaprantly car salesman can get off their *** and get another job, but if you work in the (ohh i connect imported parts onto an australian made body) australian assembly industry, apparantly you cant get another job (those high skills arent transferable to other industries i guess)

I agree with the government helping out holden and ford because they are trying to keep production here. Has nothing to do with being racist
And yet 89% of people who bought cars this year, dont really give a rats.
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Old 17-03-2011, 04:37 PM   #24
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
But JG, Japanese cars account for about 25% of cars sold in australia, whereas australian cars only account for approx 11% of cars sold here. So one could safely assume, the selling of imported japanese cars is a huge employer.

The Mazda salesman has a family to feed too. After all you are a vigorous defender of government support to keep car industry jobs going.

If I understand right, you want the australian government to give Holden money so they can import 75% of the cruze, and you want the government to give money to toyota to import a huge part of the camry hybrid, but when the australian salesman at a Mazda dealership loses his job due to lack of cars due to the worst natural disaster in many years, then thats different.

Rubbish Comparison !

The reason for protection for the "local" manufacturers is to "try" to keep a local industry.

Your comparison / assumption falls down because you are comparing protection / help for a manufacturing industry to potential problems of retail outlets who may be affected by an "act of god".

You have an agenda which has been well documented here ..... Yes you are a vigorous critic of protection for local manufacturing "protection".
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Old 17-03-2011, 04:38 PM   #25
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
Very good point i think. Apaprantly car salesman can get off their *** and get another job, but if you work in the (ohh i connect imported parts onto an australian made body) australian assembly industry, apparantly you cant get another job (those high skills arent transferable to other industries i guess) .
Why are the salesman losing their job???? We have been advised by the Ausralian branches themselves that they have good stock and dont foresee any issues with supply. So if they have stock, why do they need a tax subsidy?????

It doesnt show a lot of intelligence to take a swipe at people who work hard building and assembling cars in Australia Bob, I suspect there might be a few on this forum who work in the industry (and no I am not one of them)

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
ts pretty well established that the money (that was only requested) was going to the employee's etc (and not to japanese companies)..
You wouldnt happen to be said lobbyist would you?
Originally Posted by bobthebilda
I am going to take a wild punt)..
That answers a lot of my quetions as to where you get your facts from.

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Old 17-03-2011, 05:02 PM   #26
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
Hope you feel better Ray, could be from the radiation i guess. A question of if someone is racist or ignorant, is a question. not a statement of fact. Its pretty well established that the money (that was only requested) was going to the employee's etc (and not to japanese companies). So the original statement by philly was just based on ignorance.
Bob, your a TROLL. Back on the same path again. Go back to your little bridge and stop attacking people who have a different point of view.

PS In light of the serious situation in Japan, your joke about radiation is insensitive in the extreme.
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Old 17-03-2011, 05:42 PM   #27
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

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Old 17-03-2011, 05:44 PM   #28
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by vztrt
All Mazda passenger cars and SUV's, while commercial is built in Thailand.

All Mitsubishi's.

All Nissan's except the Dualis, Navara, Pathfinder, Micra, Tiida.

All Subi's except the tribeca (USA).

All Toyota's except Camry, Aurion, Hilux.
All Honda's except Accord Euro are from Thailand.
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Old 17-03-2011, 05:46 PM   #29
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by bobthebilda
Sometimes some of the illinformed hypocites who support government money going to Holden or Ford oz, or Toyota should just say its ok as long as it doesnt go to the black, jewish or chinese employees of those companies.

Mmmmmmm ................... You are a Troll

Ask the Asian employees at FoA for more info about their employment .....
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Old 18-03-2011, 07:03 PM   #30
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Default Re: Subsidies for Japanese Auto dealers

Originally Posted by geckoGT
And Corolla, which is made in either South Africa or Thailand.
According to redbook, they're from Japan. But SA would sound plausible due to sale numbers but I cant find anything to tell me this.

Originally Posted by Big Damo
All Honda's except Accord Euro are from Thailand.
Legend, Odyssey, Insight and Civic Hybrid are from Japan (seeing as these would be low numbers it would make sense).
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