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Old 09-05-2006, 06:59 PM   #1
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Wink CAR SHOWS/Questions

Question 1
When you go to car shows how do you know your car has been judged or looked over?

Most car shows there is a car everyone knows who owns it and it wins a trophie but there is a another car the same but looks better and has alot of time and effort put into it and it gets passed over by the judges.

I think there should be a sticker on the window that the judges tick or cross off when they have judged your car.
so at leased you know they have taken the time to look at it.

Question 2
How come an XR8 be in the same Class as a GT or GTP or
a EB XR8 be in the same Class as as BA XR8?

Lets see how the BA looks after 10 years or so

Im not winging i just like to see everyone gets a fair go and has a good time
what does everyone think ?????

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Old 10-05-2006, 12:11 AM   #2
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I'd have to agree and say that it seems like its become a bit poilitcal these days with the same old cars winning. A good example being a burnout comp on out at Western Sydney International Dragway recently where a white commordore driven by two different people in each burnout session won the competition because apparently they were relations of the organisers, and they actually went as far as to not permit another car which would of easily outdone them have his go in the second session. Obviously because his effort in the first session in his blown 350 chev torana, was too good and they feared that if he came out in the second session then the crowd would be able to tell that the winners trophy was handed to wrong person.

Sorry to not answer any of your questions, but i think its relevant to the thread.
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Old 10-05-2006, 08:37 AM   #3
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The point of owning a car mate is to enjoy it and get it out there for people to see and for you to drive it and have fun. IF you happen to put it in a show and win something thats good luck and a nice feeling, but if you go there expecting to win you are going to be dissapointed more often than not. And if you want to know if your car has been judged at the end of the day/show you can always ask to see the judging sheets.
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Old 10-05-2006, 09:38 AM   #4
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I recently went to the AME Charity show for the Innisfail victims ... I entered with a club .. and for a good cause ... UI knew I wasn't going to win anything at all ... I doubt the judges even looked.

I mainly went in there to make the numbers up in the club display and add variety to the cars on display.

You can tell sometimes though that prizes and trophies are rigged ... and that's very unprofessional ... especially at large car shows.

I mainly go to shows to have a look what is there and enjoy the day with the group I have attended with.

I guess I enjoy myself because I am not expecting to win anything on the day ... which makes it great when the club comes out with Best Car Club Display.
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Old 10-05-2006, 09:45 AM   #5
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i sometimes think the best car shows are in the car park out the front. i agree with what agony wrote, it's all about the enjoyment of driving them.
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Old 10-05-2006, 09:56 AM   #6
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Question 1: When you go to car shows how do you know your car has been judged or looked over?
If you are around your club display or car, you see them walking around with their little clip boards.. Or simply ask an official.. They will tell you if they have judged your car etc.
Most car shows there is a car everyone knows who owns it and it wins a trophie but there is a another car the same but looks better and has alot of time and effort put into it and it gets passed over by the judges.
If you have filled out the forms, I am sure the judges have not or will not pass the car over. They can get into a lot of trouble especially if you ask to see the judging sheet at the end of the show.
I think there should be a sticker on the window that the judges tick or cross off when they have judged your car.
That could be an ok suggestion.
Question 2: How come an XR8 be in the same Class as a GT or GTP or a EB XR8 be in the same Class as as BA XR8?
The classes are set before you fill out the entry form. You enter your car into whatever category you think it fits best. Some cars might be the fact of their age, engine etc.. The list goes on.
Lets see how the BA looks after 10 years or so
Why? What is to say a BA will not look as fantastic in 10 years as it does today. I don't really understand what you are trying to say there. If the car owner loves their car, it will look as great in 10 or 20 years. There are some fantastic older cars, but there are some dodgy as ones too.

I agree with a few others that said you go to these shows to either support your club, be with your mates or just to have a damn good time.. The judges aren't the only ones looking at your car. The general public and other contestants at the show are looking..
Go for the fun, the experience and the sunburn lol
Originally Posted by MNM96
Quit wingeing, drink more and grow a Butt! Its un Australian not to be the correct size to fit the seat of a Falcon!
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Old 10-05-2006, 10:03 AM   #7
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Question 2
How come an XR8 be in the same Class as a GT or GTP or
a EB XR8 be in the same Class as as BA XR8?

Lets see how the BA looks after 10 years or so
I agree with this one, the classes are not always very fair, pretty darn hard for an old car to win in the class with 10 years age difference.
Owner of first ever car to retrofit BA SSS - the EA2BA

Send me a PM if you want to know anything

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Old 10-05-2006, 05:35 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by notty1978
I think there should be a sticker on the window that the judges tick or cross off when they have judged your car. so at leased you know they have taken the time to look at it.
I helped judge for a sponser at an all holden day out at flemington a while back. To be honest my fellow judges only looked at 3 or 4 cars out of the entire field.

Pretty ordinary I thought. But they had a good idea of what kind of car they wanted to be associated with there label so excluded the vast majority of others. Something to think about when selecting a car to build up...
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Old 10-05-2006, 08:10 PM   #9
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I just think its a disapointment to see some one who wins and you can see they knew they were going to win
and most car shows you dont get to choose what class you are in
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Old 10-05-2006, 08:22 PM   #10
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Try going to a ute show or muster.... i've won a few with the XF ute, but lost the last one because some chick with one of those crappy little Subaru utes, with a huge set of mudflaps, stickers galore and pink seatcovers.. flashed her rack at the judges... lol

Its never going to be an even contest at carshows.. look if there was a category for best 1970-1979 model vehicles you would have an XY against XDs...

I've been to a show with the category of "BEST FORD".. now lets see we have american fords, australian fords.. and then there are trucks, sports cars, family sedans, etc. Came down to an XM and a BA GT.. XM fully restored, GT straight off the production line (2500km on the clock).. GT wins... how fair is that??? But you can't help it.. just live with it and enjoy the day out
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“The Americans lecture the world on democracy and then won’t let me turn the traction control off!”
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Old 10-05-2006, 10:32 PM   #11
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I judged the car show that we held last year and it isn't easy, as others have said there is many classes. Its better if you put your car into the best class that suits your car. At our show 90% of the cars that were there wanted to be judged in all catagories, this made it near imposible to judge with a new Ford or Holden up against something thats 20 years older.
Would you pick the older one as they have spent more time and effort into their car but on the other hand would you pick the new one cause the person has a deep pocket and probably only just bought it?
That is what comes into judging a car show, you try your hardest not to be bias but at the end of the day there is always someone who gets the sh1ts that they didn't win a trophy.
We as a club have a rule as we don't have our cars entered on the day of our show, that way we don't have anyone accusing us of being bias and picking our cars for trophies.
Myself I would rather someone else does the judging for all our car shows in the future, but as I'm the president of the club I get the honours.
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Old 11-05-2006, 09:16 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by FAT071
I judged the car show that we held last year and it isn't easy, as others have said there is many classes. Its better if you put your car into the best class that suits your car. At our show 90% of the cars that were there wanted to be judged in all catagories, this made it near imposible to judge with a new Ford or Holden up against something thats 20 years older.
Would you pick the older one as they have spent more time and effort into their car but on the other hand would you pick the new one cause the person has a deep pocket and probably only just bought it?
That is what comes into judging a car show, you try your hardest not to be bias but at the end of the day there is always someone who gets the sh1ts that they didn't win a trophy.
We as a club have a rule as we don't have our cars entered on the day of our show, that way we don't have anyone accusing us of being bias and picking our cars for trophies.
Myself I would rather someone else does the judging for all our car shows in the future, but as I'm the president of the club I get the honours.
Very true Fat 71
but as long as you have fun
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Old 12-05-2006, 08:44 AM   #13
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about 10 years ago, a very good friend of mine bought the best of show EJ Holden from a guy at the brisbane motor show.. It cost simon about $14000 10 years ago, , and it was PERFECT..... he then put it in a local show and got nothing, and the EH with RUST got best EH-EJ...

It aint what you know or what you got, , , its WHO you know !

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Old 12-05-2006, 08:55 AM   #14
Penelope Pitstop
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Originally Posted by fiery
Go for the fun, the experience and the sunburn lol
I can't believe you mentioned the sunburn.... at least you didn't mention the :

I didn't ask to be a Princess but if the crown fits...
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Old 12-05-2006, 08:57 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Penelope Pitstop
I can't believe you mentioned the sunburn.... at least you didn't mention the :

haha.. you knew I would have to at least mention the sunburn... each show we have gone to we have been burnt (so much for the expensive sunscreens eh)..

Hey that reminded me (you hurling).. that Ballina show, wasn't that hilarious..
Majority were holden winners and those Cruiser things holy dooley.. shocker of a show that one... (yes, that one may not be revisted again for many reasons, hey Tori hehe)
Originally Posted by MNM96
Quit wingeing, drink more and grow a Butt! Its un Australian not to be the correct size to fit the seat of a Falcon!
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