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Old 20-01-2025, 09:31 PM   #3151
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

animals dont have belly buttons
Dont p i s s off older people. At our age the term Life in Prison is not a deterrent
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Old 21-01-2025, 12:37 AM   #3152
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Tonz View Post
animals dont have belly buttons
They do, theyre just not as noticable
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 21-01-2025, 06:30 AM   #3153
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Lol, tell that to the Pony who's umbilical i cut! Tonz, you've never seen puppies umbilicals , shrivel & drop off?
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Old 21-01-2025, 08:57 AM   #3154
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by HIPO View Post
Lol, tell that to the Pony who's umbilical i cut! Tonz, you've never seen puppies umbilicals , shrivel & drop off?
the above comment was made under the infuence of 2nd glass of red last night.
3AM this morning I woke up thinking what a dill I was
Dont p i s s off older people. At our age the term Life in Prison is not a deterrent
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Old 21-01-2025, 08:59 AM   #3155
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Its fun getting on......
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Old 23-01-2025, 12:26 PM   #3156
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Why is it, that when people restore an older car or build a more modern performance car, they rarely, if ever spend money on a decent fire extinguisher? And by decent, i mean a real size, 2.5-4.5kg, not one of those itty bitty coke can sized things that fart out a couple of seconds of powder?

Tip: if it doesnt have a hose, its too small to be of any use in the event of a fire on a car.
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 23-01-2025, 06:21 PM   #3157
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Interceptor View Post
Why is it, that when people restore an older car or build a more modern performance car, they rarely, if ever spend money on a decent fire extinguisher? And by decent, i mean a real size, 2.5-4.5kg, not one of those itty bitty coke can sized things that fart out a couple of seconds of powder?Tip: if it doesn't have a hose, its too small to be of any use in the event of a fire on a car.
Funny you should say that,

I have a little iddy biddy fire extinguisher on my truck, and the date 'checked tag' is missing.
I'm talking about a 2.5 kilo squirt once and hope type of extinguisher here.
Has It been fixed? NO.
Would it do any good in case of a REAL EMERGENCY? Nah.

So life goes on.

I try and do the right thing by reporting things that aren't up to scratch, only to be faced with the same fire extinguisher that has no valid date tag
. Ok, so the nah Sayers out there will say, hey at least you have one..
My problem with that is, will it work when I really need it to?

Just banging my head in annoyance..


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Old 23-01-2025, 06:46 PM   #3158
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by OneMadMan View Post
I have a little iddy biddy fire extinguisher on my truck, and the date 'checked tag' is missing.
The powder inside is probably packed rock hard too.
Originally Posted by OneMadMan View Post
I'm talking about a 2.5 kilo squirt once and hope type of extinguisher here.
If it was actually in date & serviced, even at 2.5kg it's still usable, a lot better than the literally coke can sized ones I've seen on some equipment!
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 31-01-2025, 08:08 PM   #3159
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Why is it that they call it a space walk when the astronaut doesn’t use their legs?
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Old 31-01-2025, 09:35 PM   #3160
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Trendseeker View Post
Why is it that they call it a space walk when the astronaut doesn’t use their legs?
Dunno, why did Michael Jackson call it the moonwalk when on earth? I guess we will never no that one.
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Old 31-01-2025, 11:59 PM   #3161
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by .:4:. View Post
Dunno, why did Michael Jackson call it the moonwalk when on earth? I guess we will never no that one.
Or why is something that is easy to do called a cakewalk? I mean.... have you ever tried walking on cakes? It got me thrown out of the bakery last time!
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 01-02-2025, 03:10 PM   #3162
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.... That someone would pay $70 to set up at a swap meet for two days, with camping included, only to leave by lunch time on the first day...?

This trend has been going on for a fair while now but is getting worse with each passing year. I have been coming to the Toowoomba swap since I was a wee lad and only missed a handful in 40 something years.

It used to be that you'd set up on Friday and wouldn't leave until late Sunday afternoon. Nowadays, the place is half empty by mid afternoon Saturday.

The problem seems to me that the public has to pay $15 odd to get in on Sat and... $8 or so for Sunday. That's an expensive weekend if you want to do both days.... And you'll likely not find anything you may have seen on Saturday still there, come Sunday, nor the sites you may not have gotten around to seeing yet.

I feel a better plan would be to charge one admission fee that covered both days, which would encourage customers to return, thus encouraging siteholders to stay longer.... But, maybe that's just wishful thinking and the whole second hand market is in decline..

Anyway, I'll just sit here, trying to sell my wares to whomsoever will have them until the last possible moment.

Cheers, Tony
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Old 01-02-2025, 06:09 PM   #3163
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by 1970XW351 View Post
.... That someone would pay $70 to set up at a swap meet for two days, with camping included, only to leave by lunch time on the first day...?

This trend has been going on for a fair while now but is getting worse with each passing year. I have been coming to the Toowoomba swap since I was a wee lad and only missed a handful in 40 something years.

It used to be that you'd set up on Friday and wouldn't leave until late Sunday afternoon. Nowadays, the place is half empty by mid afternoon Saturday.

The problem seems to me that the public has to pay $15 odd to get in on Sat and... $8 or so for Sunday. That's an expensive weekend if you want to do both days.... And you'll likely not find anything you may have seen on Saturday still there, come Sunday, nor the sites you may not have gotten around to seeing yet.

I feel a better plan would be to charge one admission fee that covered both days, which would encourage customers to return, thus encouraging siteholders to stay longer.... But, maybe that's just wishful thinking and the whole second hand market is in decline..

Anyway, I'll just sit here, trying to sell my wares to whomsoever will have them until the last possible moment.

Cheers, Tony
Not that I've been to a swap meet for years, but charging potential customers an admission fee is ludicrous. I bet someone's pocketing that fee (its not going to expenses), its easy money, at the expense of the sellers. 200 admissions at $8 each thats a nice little earner
I'd tell 'em to stick it, If they tried to charge me $8 (let alone $15) to enter a swap meet. Gold coin, ok that would be acceptable.
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Old 01-02-2025, 06:37 PM   #3164
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by AMB View Post
Not that I've been to a swap meet for years, but charging potential customers an admission fee is ludicrous. I bet someone's pocketing that fee (its not going to expenses), its easy money, at the expense of the sellers. 200 admissions at $8 each thats a nice little earner
I'd tell 'em to stick it, If they tried to charge me $8 (let alone $15) to enter a swap meet. Gold coin, ok that would be acceptable.
Paying $15 entry to walk around looking at other peoples rusty junk is pretty silly, one of the reasons I stopped going to the local one here.

I'd dare say most of that admission fee goes toward paying for the hire of the venue. The one here is held at the local show grounds, which is obviously owned by the council. If anyone is to blame, it would be that useless organization. So, I wouldn't say the event organizer is pocketing all of the money collected at the gate.

Not that I'm excusing it, but does explain where the money goes. Nothing is free in life, even selling old junk.
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Old 01-02-2025, 08:11 PM   #3165
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I've got no problem paying entry fee's. Our biggie is the Veteran car club autojumble at ten bucks a head. The other option is to buy the same stuff on ebay at inflated prices then throw in postage aswell, all of a sudden a few bucks entry isn't such a big deal.
Having some experience in venue hire, mainly public gardens for weddings and the like I can tell you the bulk of the fee's went to public liability insurance. If anyones to blame it's the insurance companies and ambulance chasing lawyers not the venue owners.
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Old 01-02-2025, 08:43 PM   #3166
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Most of the fees held at country swap meets go to local organizations such as sports, lion club ect, also goes for the upkeep of amenities since you have an influx of people, I don't mind paying and as mentioned nothing is free these days.
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Old 02-02-2025, 07:52 AM   #3167
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
Most of the fees held at country swap meets go to local organizations such as sports, lion club ect, also goes for the upkeep of amenities since you have an influx of people, I don't mind paying and as mentioned nothing is free these days.
Totally agree, local organisations benefit from the swaps at most country locations. The Lions club usually are the ones running the swaps in association with a local automotive club.
Also gives a chance for the local fire brigade/CWA etc to display and gather funding.

I would feel guilty for not contributing to the local community by way of entry fee 5-10 bucks, seems reasonable when you consider that super rare part you've been after could be just inside the gate.
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Old 02-02-2025, 09:56 AM   #3168
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Originally Posted by Interceptor View Post
Or why is something that is easy to do called a cakewalk? I mean.... have you ever tried walking on cakes? It got me thrown out of the bakery last time!
Must have a walk in the park, it's easier.
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:13 PM   #3169
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

I do not like promoting stereotypes but what I saw today makes it unavoidable.

Why is it young African males swarm in packs to attack individuals or smaller groups?

Today I was at Mordialloc. As most people do we walked on the jetty. Anybody familiar with this jetty knows it is popular with the youth for jumping into the water. This afternoon there were at least 50 young people near the covered seats about 2/3 along the jetty. Africans, Islanders (one was wearing a Tonga top) and all sorts of Caucasians. Plus maybe a few middle eastern lads. All was well and people were enjoying themselves. The weather was great and the atmosphere was pleasant.

Then I noticed a lot of the young people crowd around the seats with people on the other side climbing up to peer over. I tried to get close to see what was the fuss but was unable to see anything. It appears somebody was being dared to do something. No idea what. A countdown 3-2-1 was heard followed by a pop sound and laughter. All of a sudden without warning one of the bigger African lads pushed in and launched at somebody on the bench feet first. This immediately caused several of the other African lads to pile in and start taking cheap shots with their feet and hands. I got the hell out of there. It was a very tense situation so we left the jetty. The perpetrators left before the police arrived.
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:30 PM   #3170
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
Why is it young African males swarm in packs to attack individuals or smaller groups?
Safety in numbers, when you outnumber your victims, the chances of winning a fight increases, and if the police dont drag their heels, its a lot harder to identify your attacker when they all look various shades of the same.
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:38 PM   #3171
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Interceptor View Post
Safety in numbers, when you outnumber your victims, the chances of winning a fight increases, and if the police dont drag their heels, its a lot harder to identify your attacker when they all look various shades of the same.

I met a security guard a few years ago who is also a black belt in some form of martial arts. Once four of these African men attempted to attack him. He dealt with them ( he told me they were quite soft ) then two of them were stupid enough to come back for seconds and were dealt with again.
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:48 PM   #3172
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
Exactly. Remember the aftermath of the cronulla riots?
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 03-02-2025, 06:51 AM   #3173
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
I do not like promoting stereotypes but what I saw today makes it unavoidable.

Why is it young African males swarm in packs to attack individuals or smaller groups?

Today I was at Mordialloc. As most people do we walked on the jetty. Anybody familiar with this jetty knows it is popular with the youth for jumping into the water. This afternoon there were at least 50 young people near the covered seats about 2/3 along the jetty. Africans, Islanders (one was wearing a Tonga top) and all sorts of Caucasians. Plus maybe a few middle eastern lads. All was well and people were enjoying themselves. The weather was great and the atmosphere was pleasant.

Then I noticed a lot of the young people crowd around the seats with people on the other side climbing up to peer over. I tried to get close to see what was the fuss but was unable to see anything. It appears somebody was being dared to do something. No idea what. A countdown 3-2-1 was heard followed by a pop sound and laughter. All of a sudden without warning one of the bigger African lads pushed in and launched at somebody on the bench feet first. This immediately caused several of the other African lads to pile in and start taking cheap shots with their feet and hands. I got the hell out of there. It was a very tense situation so we left the jetty. The perpetrators left before the police arrived.
Some folks are not to far from tribal living, were its literally survival of the fittest, and we're a large group has a better chance to survive, throw in the warrior gene (monoamine oxidase A).
Put drugs and alchol in the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. If you want to blame any one look at your government and their poor imagration policies or whoever is dictating unsuitable imagrant types/quotas. Australia has a long history of taking immigrants who fit in and want to be Aussies but still retain there culture and make the place what it is. These new ones not so much.
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Old 03-02-2025, 06:59 AM   #3174
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I also believe they are responsible for this culture of machetes used in attacks and robberies.
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Old 03-02-2025, 08:07 AM   #3175
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by jaydee View Post
I also believe they are responsible for this culture of machetes used in attacks and robberies.
Why do we import people who add nothing to this country?
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Old 03-02-2025, 08:28 AM   #3176
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
Why do we import people who add nothing to this country?
UN set quotas?
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Old 03-02-2025, 08:35 AM   #3177
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

be careful guys..... the conversation is headed in a direction where posts start disappearing....
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 03-02-2025, 08:36 AM   #3178
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
I do not like promoting stereotypes but...
What a load of rubbish.
We've all got fears and prejudices, that's part of the human condition but you've got to at least own it.
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Old 03-02-2025, 09:51 AM   #3179
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Originally Posted by Rallye Sport View Post
What a load of rubbish.
We've all got fears and prejudices, that's part of the human condition but you've got to at least own it.
I'd argue its not a fear or a prejudice when its discussing something very real, that is happening on a regular basis.
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 03-02-2025, 12:10 PM   #3180
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Sounds like these wayward youngsters could do with a good stint of national service.
Learn some discipline and teamwork as well as important life skills, perhaps a pre apprenticeship?
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