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Old 29-06-2011, 08:34 AM   #61
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

I let people in front of me and stop to let drivers coming out of driveways and private roadways just to be nice.... and the nice hand wave does make me feel good about that. If I don't see one, not a big deal at all. I always hand wave a thank you though. (insert waving smilie but couldn't find one) I've heard that in certain places (in LA) you wouldn't want to give a hand wave, others could mistake that for a finger salute.

I was once in a car and saw a driver trying to pull out of a side street (could have been private lane) and our lane was moving so my friend didn't stop. Then someone in front suddenly stopped short which meant the car I was in ended up blocking that side street and the driver's way. That driver forced his way in behind our car and we were now in front of an angry driver filled with road rage who literally sat on our car and drove that close! Talk about scary, maybe moreso because it was just us girls!!
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Old 29-06-2011, 09:34 AM   #62
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Last time I had this done to me, the ***** copped the finger, then I got a finger back, then she copped a Maccas milkshake on her windscreen. I saw her a few days later at the same intersection and she let another car go through.
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Old 29-06-2011, 09:44 AM   #63
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

wow I was going to post something that happened the other day, but as this thread exists I will post here.

Let me start by saying I always let people out who you can see have been waiting ages, but only if it safe to do so. What urks me is when you let them out and they do not acknowledge you have. A simple thumbs up or half wave would be nice. Anyway on to the other day.

I was waiting to turn right into a dr's offices, another car from the office right next door, pulled out onto the road a little and waived me into the car park I was going to, needless to say it is a good thing I watch the road as this stupid woman (you know one of those women who is 40 and dresses and thinks she is 20, I know because her kid is in my daughters class) in her 4wd, came flying around the roundabout which was 200m from where we were and just continued at a rate of speed and simply swerved around him and then swerved again to miss me, she did not even batter an eyelid and just kept on going. Then leaving said car park, it is very difficult to see out of the driveway as there is street parking so it blocks your view. I snuck out slowly and as there was no traffic from the right I blocked the right lane waiting for the traffic to clear on left (all of 3 cars), again a car comes through the roundabout, slows down, waits for traffic on my left to clear and simply crosses double white lines and on to the opposite side of road to go around me. I was so angry as they pretty well stopped to wait, but yet couldn't stop and wait for me. But I shouldn't be surprised as people don't even give way when driving in the ambulance. Car parks are the worst but. I was completely reversed out of my bay, yet cars continued to go around me and the school carpark is somewhere to avoid all together. I spent 10mins in reverse with not one single car letting me in, yet they were all stopping behind me. One woman who stopped, for some reason came right up to the car so my reverse sensors were going nuts, it was one of those situations that you visioned reversing the bogan smile off her face.

I will admit sometimes I could let a car out and don't (but I don't stop right infront of them or block them, I simply just keep driving) but the attitude of aot of drivers is annoying. The other thing is acknowledgement. How hard is it to give a wave or a thumbs up? I always do this when someone lets me in.
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Old 29-06-2011, 10:19 AM   #64
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Car park rage is the worst. Happened to me waiting about 10mins for some lady to get her shopping in the car and get out, as she reversed and drove off, these 2 young girls in a hatch back sped around the corner and took the park. I had my indicator on and everything.I was sooooo pee'd off that if I didn't have my mrs with me, I would have gone to the boot and retrieved my cricket for some metal action on their car. It literally took my mrs to squeeze my hand pleading with me to remain in the car and drive off.

Inconsiderate F heads out there regardless of car make, gender, race or religion. It happens, and in the end I treat all drivers like assholes and don't assume anything anymore.
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Old 29-06-2011, 11:40 AM   #65
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

You were gonna take a weapon to a car with two girls in it over a parking spot, perhaps you should seek professional help.
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Old 29-06-2011, 12:38 PM   #66
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by StrokedXT
You were gonna take a weapon to a car with two girls in it over a parking spot, perhaps you should seek professional help.
Yeah I had a bit of car park rage I admit it, that's what I felt like doing. But I didn't. You had to be there at the time. There was no excuse for the anger I had, and I look back retrospectively and realize it was a silly way to react. But I don't appreciate the professional help comment when you know nothing about me.
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Old 29-06-2011, 12:49 PM   #67
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by blueoval
But I don't appreciate the professional help comment when you know nothing about me.
More so everyones a model citizen these days...How many on here can claim they have never lost their lolly on the roads...

Hell I punched a P plater in the head through his window cos he stalled on a roundabout.

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 29-06-2011, 12:54 PM   #68
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by XR6_661
More so everyones a model citizen these days...How many on here can claim they have never lost their lolly on the roads...

Hell I punched a P plater in the head through his window cos he stalled on a roundabout.

That cracked me up Hal. GOLD. Was it anything like the Tony Longhurst vs Paul Morris race crash in the 80s in Winton? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhdtDfEOxjg

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Old 29-06-2011, 12:57 PM   #69
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by 66GT
Back to the OP's statement, if I understand correctly you are trying to turn right from a minor road onto a more major road during peak times. I will often let the person in if they are turing left in front of me but am loathed to let them turn right as can often be left waiting for quite some time. What I do when in your situation is to turn left & then somewhere down the street turn around Eg. at the round about you stated was just there. Might seem a little stupid but much safer for all & often just as quick.
I know what you mean, but I couldn't do it at that particular point. The queue was for a school crossing ahead after the mini round about, there was very little traffic coming the other way and I was the only person waiting (it was a quiet side road). If I turned left, the queue went to the highway, it would have been a couple of k's drive down the freeway, u-turn back, then u-turn back again, to get back on the same road, or just a couple of seconds of someone's time to let me in. In this case I think it gave the 4x4 ute driver a sense of power leaving me embarrassingly stuck in the middle of the road for a few seconds, that maybe he couldn't acheive is his day to day life.
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Old 29-06-2011, 02:42 PM   #70
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by my_gxl
Its because if ALL drivers merged over early, not roaring up the end then hitting the brakes, then the freeways would not come to a crawl.

That is how it affects us all.
If the traffic was free flowing I could see how someone jumping on the brakes when merging would slow it up, however most times I see people shoot up the merge lane to the end, it's stop/start anyway, so would make no difference.

Originally Posted by plarazza
Because I don't think I'm king of the road.
So your angry because someone is "beating" you then?

Originally Posted by plarazza
Answer me this then. You are waiting in a queue in a store and 10 people decide to skip the line and barge in front of you. It's only going to affect you by 10 seconds per person, that's about a minute and a half added to your wait. Would you just stand there quietly and not care?
Are there merging lanes in the store now? If 10 people jumped in front of me I'd have words, but if it was a setup where there was 2 queues into one checkout, I'd not kick myself for not moving across to the shorter side and hold no grudges for those that did.
Originally Posted by pauljh74
The sign that warns - "left lane ends, merge right" is not an invitation to pass another 10 cars. It is suggesting they should be looking to merge now, meaning match the speed of the cars they are near and merge. Not floor it and divebomb at the last second forcing the car they cut off and the 5 behind to hit the anchors. It usually isn't one car it is several - many times I've seen the left lane flowing and the middle lane be reduced to a crawl because of all the people - some pulling out from the lane they want to rejoin - using the left lane to jump the queue.
I've had it in my head we are talking about stop/start traffic and drivers driving up to the end of a merge lane before moving across. On the other side of the coin, I've lost count of the number of people in a merge lane, that slow down to match traffic speed in heavy traffic to try and merge across early, only to have drivers block them from merging. Works both ways.
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Old 29-06-2011, 02:52 PM   #71
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by blueoval
Yeah I had a bit of car park rage I admit it, that's what I felt like doing. But I didn't. You had to be there at the time. There was no excuse for the anger I had, and I look back retrospectively and realize it was a silly way to react. But I don't appreciate the professional help comment when you know nothing about me.
To say the idiotic thing you were about to do and then get offended when someone suggested you get help, you need help big time.
Yes i have lost my temper before and abused people but never brag about smashing some girl with a bat.
You are a deadset idiot and maybe it takes anothers unwanted advice to open you blurry red eyes.
Ok now lets make this somehow my fault
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Old 29-06-2011, 03:33 PM   #72
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by FREE02
To say the idiotic thing you were about to do and then get offended when someone suggested you get help, you need help big time.
Yes i have lost my temper before and abused people but never brag about smashing some girl with a bat.
You are a deadset idiot and maybe it takes anothers unwanted advice to open you blurry red eyes.
Ok now lets make this somehow my fault
Who said I was bragging? It's what I felt like doing, not what I did. Reread my post sunshine!

I admitted it was stupid. I shouldn't have felt that way and have learnt from it. It was a heat of the moment thing, and had I not have had my wife in the car, it could have turned ugly.

I cannot fathom how someones expression of feelings at one particular time can be misconstrued into me all of a sudden needing to seek professional guidance.

It was purely a threat I had in my heart at the time, nothing further. Nothing else pursued. How was I getting offended? Just because I made a comment about what I felt about a certain experience I had once only, Im automatically labelled as someone in need of professional help? Pleaaase spare me dude. I am the least of your problems.

Time to get of your soap box princess. Feel free to PM me about it so we don't run this thread completely off topic.

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Old 29-06-2011, 03:47 PM   #73
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Posting what one has done in a act of Physical violence isn't welcome here.
Move on and treat the thread with some quality informed posts..

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Old 29-06-2011, 04:02 PM   #74
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by U TRYD
The thing that really ****** me off is when people leave it till the last moment to try and merge, especially on the gateway and m1 merge in Brisbane. There is about a 2-300m merging lane and they race up passing alot of cars (cause it is always backed up and under speed) and try to merge in the last 10m when they could have easily merged 100m back. Or even when i have merged and they race pass me to try and get 10 cars further up, then because they are such dicks no one let's them in and everyone has to stop just for them

If everyone just learnt how to merge we wouldn't have any problems but cause everyone lives in there own little bubble these days and don't have a clue or care about what is happening around them we have these problems, and until peoples attitudes change it will always be the same.

I'm the same, I let 1 car in.
If all three lanes are slow it is best to move to the end of the lane to merge. If people merge 100m before the end like you do, all they do it hold up the lane for longer because cars are not moving into the lane like a zipper. That is why the middle lane at that particular merge is slow because people don't move in 1 car for 1.

Have you ever stopped to wonder if every person merged early, and nobody overtook that person, how far up the road the merge would eventually be?
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Old 30-06-2011, 03:39 PM   #75
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by Grunter
If the traffic was free flowing I could see how someone jumping on the brakes when merging would slow it up, however most times I see people shoot up the merge lane to the end, it's stop/start anyway, so would make no difference.
How do you think it gets slowed down to stop start? And have you noticed that it only occurs at merges, then you speed back up, just to come back to a crawl at the next merge...
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:23 AM   #76
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

i just read the heading of this thread and my immediate thought was "because they are australian drivers" it is all in the aussie culture, sad but true, just like hating police, breaking road rules at will, and then hating the police even more because of perceived revenue raising, while all the time still breaking road rules and still not being kind to any other road users.
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:39 AM   #77
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

I'm guessing it happens everywhere in other countries too. Anywhere there are heaps of cars and people in a rush to get from point A to point B there'll be idiot drivers, inconsiderate drivers, and road rage unfortunately. (no offense to anyone)

Just leave home a little earlier.... it works!
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:15 AM   #78
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

I find that the more dents scratches and other colour rub marks the work hack has, the easier merging and changing lanes has become.
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:25 AM   #79
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

I hate that.

Our house faces a 2 lane highway that we need to pull out onto. People just don't think to move over to let us pull out. It's dangerous enough as it is!

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Old 01-07-2011, 11:41 AM   #80
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by XR6_661
More so everyones a model citizen these days...How many on here can claim they have never lost their lolly on the roads...

Hell I punched a P plater in the head through his window cos he stalled on a roundabout.
I can quite confidently say i have never been so upset or angry ive wanted to hit or hurt someone, i might say to the person next to me did you see that ****** but thats as far as it goes.

Some of us have beter things to worry about than getting angry over pointless benign crap like loosing a parking spot or getting cut off.
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:15 PM   #81
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

Originally Posted by XR6_661
More so everyones a model citizen these days...How many on here can claim they have never lost their lolly on the roads...

Hell I punched a P plater in the head through his window cos he stalled on a roundabout.
I have wanted to hit someone before due to anger. But I never would.

Punching someone in the head for stalling is way too far though.
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:28 PM   #82
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Default Re: why do people block you from pulling out?

The thread appears to be concentrating on the violence side of the table, at times we all get angry this is no way an excuse to exercise any sort of violence.
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