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Old 03-06-2009, 08:35 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: the shire.nsw
Posts: 381
Default build up thread suggestion.

hey guys,firstly i have to say i love this forum,ever since i became a member the first thing i do when i get home from work is turn on the computer and see whats going on in ford land.i then get stuck on it for hours looking at various buildups,laughing at jokes,and most importantly learning about cars. my mrs brings my dinner up to the study now!
one thing i have noticed is alot of reocurring questions from younger newbs like myself and certain people that are always really good at answering them.
people like donny,nugget,tony xa,4v clevo,george(the fairlane guy sorry forgot his user name),and of cource the very gracious mods.
so i thought of an idea!
a build up thread sticky.
each week the thread touches on the steps of the rebuilding of a popular model (xk-xp xr-xy xa-xc xd-xh ea-ef you get the idea
the strip down
panel and paint
engine and driveline
sourcing parts
best materials to use
little tricks to make life easier by guys who have done it many times for guys who are doing it for the first time.

the thread is locked so only certain nominated members can post their advice.but maybe a feedback thread so people can ask questions.there are heaps of images already on this forum that the guys could use to illustrate what their trying to get across.
sort of like a step by step how to rebuild a car for dummies.

this thread would be a very valuable tool and in a short time would be better than any automotive book on the shelf.
or this could be a big waste of time
anyway thanks for reading my rant
cheers ,tony

Last edited by toenail; 03-06-2009 at 08:52 PM.
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:19 PM   #2
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Location: Barossa Valley, South Australia
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A wiki would probably be more suitable to that sort of thing. Good idea though.
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