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Old 18-04-2011, 09:23 AM   #61
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by fmc351
These devices arent solely about catching someone out, but making others think twice before doing it. So while it may not stop some clowns driving unreg'd, it may reduce the number that think the risk is worth it.

On this part of your quote. I didn't purposely set out to drive the car out of rego. It was a simple oversight not paying the rego before it expired. The rego had been paid inbetween going through the recognition camera (that I didn't know existed prior) and coping the fine.

So yes, I'm a clown, a bigtime crim or what ever others want to call me. I've worn the fine and coughed up the dough. For the member that is saying it's an excuse and take responsibility. I did. I stuffed up and coughed up for it.
The only reason I have mentioned getting done by one, is to show that the fine isn't on the spot. It took 3 weeks.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 18-04-2011, 11:18 AM   #62
aussie muscle
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by flappist
There is only ONE diference between registered and unregistered and it involves giving MONEY to the government.

As with everything this collection of parasites do, it is all about revenue......
Technically, if you are unlicensed or unregoed, you are also UNINSURED. a big problem for anyone who you run into.
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Old 18-04-2011, 11:39 AM   #63
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by MITCHAY
I doubt they can read and check 3000 plates an hour though? It just automates part of the process, of course the police will still need to confirm the details of the alert.
Nor can the system with any decent degree of accuracy
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Old 18-04-2011, 11:40 AM   #64
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by svo supporter
The only reason I have mentioned getting done by one, is to show that the fine isn't on the spot. It took 3 weeks.
What your talking about is a different application of the technology to what is being discussed in the original article.
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Old 18-04-2011, 11:59 AM   #65
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by svo supporter
On this part of your quote. I didn't purposely set out to drive the car out of rego. It was a simple oversight not paying the rego before it expired. The rego had been paid inbetween going through the recognition camera (that I didn't know existed prior) and coping the fine.

So yes, I'm a clown, a bigtime crim or what ever others want to call me. I've worn the fine and coughed up the dough. For the member that is saying it's an excuse and take responsibility. I did. I stuffed up and coughed up for it.
The only reason I have mentioned getting done by one, is to show that the fine isn't on the spot. It took 3 weeks.
You took my last post personally, and it wasnt meant to be. I dont think youre a big time crim. You got a fine, as it should be, nothing more. You copped it on the chin, as would I.

But there are people who do that all the time, deliberately and knowingly, and these are the clowns Im referring too. Again, but even then they arent big time crims either.
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Old 18-04-2011, 12:04 PM   #66
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by aussie muscle
Technically, if you are unlicensed or unregoed, you are also UNINSURED. a big problem for anyone who you run into.
Sort of like living in QLD near a river.......
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:06 PM   #67
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by XB GS 351 Coupe
You better change insurance companies, generally if you can ID the driver at fault you do not lose your no claim bonus or pay excess, this is the point of having full comprehensive insurance. If you are not at fault and ID the other driver it's not your problem, the insurance company has to chase up the other driver, regardless if he has insurance or not.

This is the reason I have full comprehensive cover on my cars, as long as I can ID the other driver it costs me nothing, if it's a hit and run and he gets away I just pay the $800 excess and still get my $70K car repaired or replaced, so well worth the peace of mind IMO.

PS What ever reasons people come up with to be our of rego, please spare us all, just get your life sorted and take responsibility
NRMA Insurance. I've been with them for 40 years. They wouldn't take any action. As the cost of repairs was about $1,000 I got the car repaired and then served court papers on the other guy (well the Sheriff did). The guy coughed up the dough straight away. I mention this in another thread.
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:28 PM   #68
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

So we're only just getting stationary ANPR cameras while NSW is rolling out mobile cameras (fitted to every HWP car)..hell QLD is so far behind that only something like 100 patrol cars in the WHOLE STATE are fitted with an MDT (laptop)..poor form from the government..
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:30 PM   #69
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by 5.0
So we're only just getting stationary ANPR cameras while NSW is rolling out mobile cameras (fitted to every HWP car)..hell QLD is so far behind that only something like 100 patrol cars in the WHOLE STATE are fitted with an MDT (laptop)..poor form from the government..
Really? Are you talking Highway patrol or standard patrol?
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:38 PM   #70
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by Sezzy
Really? Are you talking Highway patrol or standard patrol?
Can't remember the exact number, was an article in the QPU journal late last year. This is all patrol cars..with the majority most likely being in HWP cars.
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:49 PM   #71
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by 5.0
So we're only just getting stationary ANPR cameras while NSW is rolling out mobile cameras (fitted to every HWP car)..hell QLD is so far behind that only something like 100 patrol cars in the WHOLE STATE are fitted with an MDT (laptop)..poor form from the government..
NSW probably sold off their second hand units to QLD.
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:58 PM   #72
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by 5.0
Can't remember the exact number, was an article in the QPU journal late last year. This is all patrol cars..with the majority most likely being in HWP cars.

Ok found the article again..was 201 not 100 still a very poor effort.

quick quote from it.. if anyone wants a good read of how dismal QPS is atm here is the link http://www.responseaustralia.net/issues/Issue17.pdf scroll down to page 19
And we move onto another officer safety issue and also a very significant crime detection and suppression issue; namely mobile data units or in-car PC's. Did you know that your state police agency has had a small number of very limited function mobile data units, called MINDA (Mobile Integrated Network Data Access) since 1996 and that back then we only had 150 MINDA units, all bought and maintained by Queensland Transport. In February 2010, some 14 years since they were first introduced here, your state police agency only has a miserly 201 MINDA units in use across the entire state; in 94 general duties cars, 85 traffic cars and 22 tactical crime squad cars. So in 14 years your state government and your state police agency has only managed to increase MINDA units from 150 to 201 yet today have more than 200 traffic cars and with more than 340 police stations across our state we'd have many hundreds of first response general duties cars. So, why so few in such a long time?
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Old 19-04-2011, 09:30 PM   #73
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Hey Flappist ,still looking at the big picture . Sarcasm alive and well.
I pretty much agree with your sentiments.This new camera identity thingy , sounds like a bandaid . I wonder what the statistic is for unregistered vehicles involved in accidents by unlicenced drivers who were high on drugs or influenced by alcohol who belong to the shooters party ,supports Holden ,voted in-valid and sleeps with a sibling.......
No I don't really want to know, but I do wonder.....is there a camera for that ! Better still , lets have an Australian Card. Your papers ,where are your papers .......
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Old 19-04-2011, 10:03 PM   #74
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by Cav
NRMA Insurance. I've been with them for 40 years. They wouldn't take any action. As the cost of repairs was about $1,000 I got the car repaired and then served court papers on the other guy (well the Sheriff did). The guy coughed up the dough straight away. I mention this in another thread.
Mate I ditched NRMA 20 years ago, worst insurance company for customer service, I could not imagine the money you have wasted staying with NRMA for 40 years and they will not even follow up your accident?????....what are you paying your money for????? this is their job once you provide details of the driver of the other car to follow up you should not have to deal with the other driver at all, this is what you are paying your money for

I work in an area where I constantly deal with car insurance companies and NRMA is the bottom of the heap by a country mile. They just put everything back onto the vehicle owner and do not do any or very little follow up work, they stuffed me around for months trying not to pay out when one of my cars was stolen, their reasoning was that I was a single male but had 2 cars, and I had to justify why I needed two cars.

Now I have four cars, and none will ever be with NRMA
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Old 30-12-2011, 02:11 AM   #75
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Gee Ben maybe others have a normal life and have a hell of alot more on their minds than watching the rego label of ones car. Facts are facts and they can,t be denied if your car is outside of the registered period then it is unregistered, no argument, but in my opinion its just another way the slimey government collect fees from the working masses. Why not do away with vehicle rego and make insurance the compulsory requirement ! Never ! cause the govt collects millions from the driving public and that just wouldn,t be good for them, after all where would their 100k plus dollar per year wage rise come from ? Just another way they control the "public"
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Old 30-12-2011, 05:33 AM   #76
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

This technology has been in proof of concept mode for some time, speaking with the coppers involved, there are many many vehicles on the road which clearly should not be on the road.

I pay my registration, some people call it is a tax but at least my car(s) are legally on the road, if they're involved in a crash and someone is seriously injured then the 3rd party personal insurance helps cover the issue. Try getting compensation from an unregistered vehicle. Again speaking with the coppers, a driver of an unregistered vehicle usually has other driving infringements.

There are too many free-loaders in the system who make it difficult for the vast majority of people who follow the rules. Next step would be to amend the laws for repeat offenders, destruction of vehicle and 3-6 months in the big house would be a good starting point.

From what I'm told the technology (not surprisingly) records significant unregistered vehicles in known bogan suburbs within the stereotype socioeconomic demographic and certain voting intent.

Once again if you're a law abiding citizen you'll have little to fear from this technology. Of course the big brother pundits will be up in arms but what else do you expect from these people?

If I come across being harsh its because my old XWGT was involved in a hit and run with an unregistered vehicle. I have zero tolerance of these criminals and their lack of respect for anyone else.
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Old 30-12-2011, 07:09 AM   #77
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by flappist
The cameras cannot detect unlicensed or uninsured or drunk, all they can tell is if you have not paid your rego (tax).

There is only ONE diference between registered and unregistered and it involves giving MONEY to the government.

As with everything this collection of parasites do, it is all about revenue......
So if someone in an unregistered car and subsequently uninsured car runs into your car and does serious damage or god forbid injures or kills one of you family members your'e OK with that because these are just revenue raising cameras .

Who here on this forum would seriously even consider driving an unregistered car ? I am all for this technology . Back in the 80's a friend of mine had a guy in an unregisterd EH holden run into the back of his Porsche 930 , cost him $10,000.00 personally to fix it properly on top of his loss of no claims bonus and subsequent higher premiums . I simply fail to see the negative in the introduction of ANPR cameras .
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Old 30-12-2011, 07:32 AM   #78
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by Cav
In England they stop the vehicle and and seize and impound it.

The driver and occupants have to get their gear out of the car and make arrangements to be picked up.

If rego, tax and insurance is not paid within a certain time, they trash the car.

I think we need the English system here.
Could NOT agree more .
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Old 30-12-2011, 07:39 AM   #79
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" But there are people who do that all the time, deliberately and knowingly, and these are the clowns Im referring too. Again, but even then they arent big time crims either."

Until said car kills someone , so unless these people are clairvoyant I will group them with big crims as that is just what they are .
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Old 30-12-2011, 10:31 AM   #80
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

I thought this was done and dusted back in April!!!!
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Old 30-12-2011, 11:00 AM   #81
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Cars already have them...I thought it was old news.
Driving back home up the highway in the old WB 253 ute we bought a few months back, with an unregistered vehicle permit stuck in the window, we got pulled over. I saw a black GT police car approaching, and he did a sharpish u-turn and flogged up behind me to pull me over. I'd left the plates on the car as the owner told me the rego had run a couple of days before we picked it up, so I figured I wouldn't bother pulling them off and remove them when we got home.
The coppers said "The rego plate popped up as cancelled and alerted us to that fact"...so I assume they have numberplate recognition stuff in the car that just scans traffic and sets off an alarm. I showed him the paperwork and they were very nice about it, just checked that the car we were driving matched the permit, and they said "You're supposed to remove the plates", and I said I was planning on doing so when I got home, as the rego had run out a few days before so I didn't think it mattered. The cop said "Well plates are cancelled three months after the rego runs out, and according to records this cars rego ran out a year ago"...
At that point, a very puzzled me said perhaps they'dlike t chat to the previous owner as he'd been driving it to work up until I bought the car...

They removed the plates and let me off with a warning as "We can see you're trying to do the right thing and not sneak past us, so we won't give you the $200 fine for driving with expired plates".

"Thank you officer".. .
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Old 30-12-2011, 11:04 AM   #82
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Cars already have them...I thought it was old news.

It is old news... this thread was started months ago! In April
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 30-12-2011, 05:49 PM   #83
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by cheap

There are too many free-loaders in the system who make it difficult for the vast majority of people who follow the rules. Next step would be to amend the laws for repeat offenders, destruction of vehicle and 3-6 months in the big house would be a good starting point.


Personally I can't see the point of destroying a car, because some idiot wants to drive unregistered constantly. Take it from, YES, but destroy...NO. Being ther owner of an early model car, that you are, you'd appreciate the difficulty of obtaining some parts, without them being recycled into a new car, because of stupidity.

Jailing them....Don't agree there. We pay our taxes ...Why pay more to keep these idiots with free room and board? Doesn't make sense......IMA, yes they are jailing repeat offenders in S.A.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 30-12-2011, 07:03 PM   #84
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Default Re: QLD rolls out number plate recognition cameras

Originally Posted by Matty4
I thought this was done and dusted back in April!!!!
Yes it was.
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