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Old 06-07-2009, 06:47 PM   #31
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hahaha just like the green and orange highway patrol Fords
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:48 PM   #32
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Am i the only one who thinks big shiny stand out cop cars are good! What do idiots do when they see a cop car? Slow down just worked. All for it.
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:51 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by flappist
No, common sense, not revenue driven socialist agenda.

NOBODY overtakes a marked police car (well not twice anyway).

Large signs (like NSW not the tiny hidden ones QLD have) saying SPEED CAMERA will slow people down much more effectively than hidden cameras.

The proof is beyond obvious, Victoria has 400 bazillion speed cameras and STILL makes hundreds of millions a year out of it so it is very obvious that hidden weapons are not a deterrent.
Totally agree there HUGE signs warning of a speed camera ahead are good enough for me and a bigger deterant then a Vito van on the side of the road with a sign saying 'speed camera in operation' that is facing the wrong way anyway.

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Old 06-07-2009, 07:01 PM   #34
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A visual deterant will only work if its constantly present.......

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Old 06-07-2009, 07:09 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Walkinshaw
Am i the only one who thinks big shiny stand out cop cars are good! What do idiots do when they see a cop car? Slow down just worked. All for it.
The point i was making in the OP was, last week the Qld police minister pulled back the overtime/extra hours police where doing to patrol the roads stating he had other wonderfull plans to arrest the road toll, and this week we get four multicoloured patrol cars...... :
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:28 PM   #36
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the qld gove spent 500 million on buying land for a dam that nobody wants but the highway solution from coroy to maryborough is to slow the traffic down to 90kph ,its boring and people will fall asleep ,you go from a beautiful 4 lane highway at 110 kph to 90 on a two lane road ,its just a joke really ,i guess the 4 lane ends where the labour electrates ends , ive been traveling this highway from the gold coast to maryborough twice a week for the last 3 months and rarly see a highway patrol car ,the are usually near the towns guess they arnt allowed to use too much petrol , if they want to get serious about the road toll put more coppers on the road its simple ,the other problem i have on the trip is p platers sitting in the right hand lane ,if you want to pass somebody you have to go faster then them ,maybe they arnt taught that ,but its very annoying when you are trying to get some miles up
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:46 PM   #37
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As for the 'P' platers in the right hand lane....a simple and gentle bumper kiss usually gets them out of the way!!

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Old 06-07-2009, 07:57 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by flappist
About $750,000,000.00 per year.........

Would you prefer that a person who was about to murder your family and friends was jailed afterwards or prevented from doing it in the first place?
Problem with this example is, you can tell the police that they threatened your life but they cant do anything about it until they do kill you.

The governments are using hoons as an excuse for their underhanded revenue raising, if you dont know you have been done or see them they have no incentive to slow down. Example: Clowns doing 80 in a 60, goes past speed camera and gets photo'd for prosperity, 200 metres down the road T-bones a car crossing an intersection not realising said clown is speeding, kills passenger in accident, government gets their money and said clown has still killed somebody. They havent been saved by their supposed SAFETY camera.
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Old 06-07-2009, 08:12 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by F6 FOON
Problem with this example is, you can tell the police that they threatened your life but they cant do anything about it until they do kill you.

The governments are using hoons as an excuse for their underhanded revenue raising, if you dont know you have been done or see them they have no incentive to slow down. Example: Clowns doing 80 in a 60, goes past speed camera and gets photo'd for prosperity, 200 metres down the road T-bones a car crossing an intersection not realising said clown is speeding, kills passenger in accident, government gets their money and said clown has still killed somebody. They havent been saved by their supposed SAFETY camera.
This is (one of) the fundamental issue i have with speed camera's, the notification delay.. maybe an instant text message to the owners phone or beep on your e tag or some instant notification would get an instant result....
As it stands you have to wait 2-4 weeks, and in that time you could rack up a heap of fines...

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Old 06-07-2009, 08:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by platinumXR
would it not be fair to say that you should make it a general practice to not speed ALL the time when you drive? That way you don't have to worry about which cars are police cars?
Oh so easy in principle, in practise... nigh on impossible. Just because we do the right thing doesn't mean everyone will.
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Old 06-07-2009, 08:42 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by F6 FOON
Problem with this example is, you can tell the police that they threatened your life but they cant do anything about it until they do kill you.

The governments are using hoons as an excuse for their underhanded revenue raising, if you dont know you have been done or see them they have no incentive to slow down. Example: Clowns doing 80 in a 60, goes past speed camera and gets photo'd for prosperity, 200 metres down the road T-bones a car crossing an intersection not realising said clown is speeding, kills passenger in accident, government gets their money and said clown has still killed somebody. They havent been saved by their supposed SAFETY camera.
True, you can do a lot of damage before the photo arrives, and when it does arrive, do most care??

There is no shock value involved in a picture of your car, you are removed from the incedent, it is just treated as another bloody bill to deal with. But having a set of blue lights in the rear vision mirror, then a p****d off cop in your face tends to stick in your mind, i know it would with me....

And this has more chance of avoiding that disaster 200m down the road than a camera that you may not have seen....
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Old 06-07-2009, 09:32 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by sourbastard
They are doing the same thing in SA, except they are calling them, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, LaLa & Po.

Oh my god, that is funny, I can't read anymore as my eyes are watering. Now Tori is telling me off for laughing, thanks ya bastard!
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Old 06-07-2009, 10:01 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by flappist
What has actually happened here is a HUGE increase in the number of unmarked traffic vehicles wandering up and down the highway.

Anna is broke and needs money, rego up, fuel up, speeding fines up, number of speed cameras and traffic cars up.....

But she will get re-elected again and again, stupid is as stupid does.......

I do soooo miss QLD before the mass migration of southerners.......
Oh flappy one, you're so right. We are all considering the shift despite your partially retarded government in lieu of our completely retarded government. (no offense to any retarded people who do not like being compared to politicians)
Oooh baby living in Miami....
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:29 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by DJR-351
This might help though......

Loved to have seen the guy shout "no way copper" then floor it.....

By Greg Stolz
July 01, 2009 12:00am

"ANYTIME, anywhere" goes the police RBT mantra. To this, they could add "and in any vehicle". On Hamilton Island, not even those driving golf buggies can escape the long arm of the law wielding an alcometer.

In one of the state's more unusual drink-driving blitzes, Whitsunday police hit Hamilton Island at the weekend with their sights set on boozing buggy drivers.
Oh the memories
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:14 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Sprint347
Oh the memories
Yeah me too. I will never go back to Hamilton. A few years back years ago I expected a nice break, instead we ended up in a sea locked enclave with overt policing and a second rate social scene with more rules than Grandma's house. Seems the ones who didn't have a penalty sign dedicated to them were the two middle aged men who were kissing and grinding in their speedos on the coping of the family pool. The final straw was the federalies doing their thing before we could enter the departure lounge to fly back to Brissy..... gimme Cairns anyday.
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Old 07-07-2009, 04:45 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by DJM83
Totally agree there HUGE signs warning of a speed camera ahead are good enough for me and a bigger deterant then a Vito van on the side of the road with a sign saying 'speed camera in operation' that is facing the wrong way anyway.

I agree. Unsignposted cameras are useless. Pretty much all NSW cameras have no less than 3 signs. The M2 tunnel camera last time I was down there has 11 signs on approach. I think the RTA figure if you want to complain about the 8kmh tolerance they can justify it by telling you it's there.

How much money do QLD get out of tickets? NSW take about 300 mill. p.a.
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Old 08-07-2009, 03:20 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by seXCmont
hahaha just like the green and orange highway patrol Fords
Russ Hinze did something like this years ago when they resprayed some pol vehicles and renamed them the highway patrol..
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Old 08-07-2009, 07:07 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by GT69
Why the bloody hell do road works cost money? If road crews are paid anyway? How can it be billions of $$$$$ For the bloody things? Seriously i don't get it, your paying the men in orange, none of the equiptment their using is new, so whats the go? I no tar and what not cost money.....but if people are on the payroll anyway, there should be no (or next to none) cost increases over the usual. I call BS.
Let me see:

1. Planning
2. Survey of existing features and contours
3. Design 1, 2, 3
4. Public consultation
5. Tendering to 3 principle contractors
6. Principle contractors tender out all aspects to contractors
a)Earthworks (excavators, graders, trucks, water trucks)
c)Kerb and channel (concrete)
e) Services (Stormwater, Sewer, Elec, Comms)
f) Survey for construction of all stages (Includes machine guidance, conformance reports, as constructed surveys, volumes, depths, areas)
g)Linemarking and catseyes
i)Road signs
j)Traffic control (VERY EXPENSIVE)
7. Bad weather (2-4 weeks a year)
8. Wages and profit for all sub-contractors, contractors, principle contractorsm and then some for the unkown.
9. Lowest contractor wins job.

Small two lane duplication 500m, maybe $5-10million (provided there are no bridges, this cost can double.

There could be 5-50 people in work which all get paid between $20-50/hr, they all get super on top of that, then there is prof dem. insurance, work cover, safety gear, erosion and sediment control...
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Old 08-07-2009, 09:16 PM   #49
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camera`s are no substitite for a marked police prescence, but aaaahhhh but then we`d lose all that good revenue to pay for the polly`s super and perks would`nt we....
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Old 09-07-2009, 04:22 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by flappist
What has actually happened here is a HUGE increase in the number of unmarked traffic vehicles wandering up and down the highway.

Anna is broke and needs money, rego up, fuel up, speeding fines up, number of speed cameras and traffic cars up.....

But she will get re-elected again and again, stupid is as stupid does.......

I do soooo miss QLD before the mass migration of southerners.......

couldnt have said it better myself!!!
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That's ok. We find you ugly and the majority of your posts cheap and pointless, much like a Korean car.
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