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Old 08-08-2006, 11:46 PM   #1
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What about the donation thing? The best way to help this man with is car is to set something in stone.
If someone is willing to hitch a trailer to their car, then the best way is to get a trailer and take it to RPD workshop.
Is the AFF bank account suitable? Can we have an admin arrange somewthing?
Why not just create a ForDen & put the "Holden is better than Ford (and vice versa)" bullshit bickering to an end! ing_sm :
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:03 PM   #2
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Holy shiz. I don’t know what to say except thanks to everyone who has replied.

BI6TIM xf pano davway ebxr8240 peedee justfordima useless Xrsick mattp gtfpv Kenter MADNC_8 Dilan GK BloodyFalcon tjb45 AnthonyQLD BlackLS & anyone i missed.

Also thanks to the admin or mod that moved this thread from its previous obscure location to here where many more people have viewed it.

For everyone who wants to know the story of how the car came to a standstill I will tell the story now.

A few months back I was on the westlink M7 cruising at 100 km/h. somewhere along the way one of the auto hoses coming from the radiator had burst and all the transmission fluid had drained out.
I had no idea of what happened until I got off the freeway going past Australia’s wonderland. I was at the lights and when I pushed the pedal to accelerate the car went nowhere.
I had my young daughter in the car and it was 40 degrees. So I kept trying to make bertha go but she just didn’t want to. I found that if I accelerated slowly it would pick up and I would get some drive. As long as I was gentle she kept going.
I made it to my destination, which was only a couple of minutes down the road. Then I lifted the bonnet to inspected bertha and transmission fluid was everywhere.
It was a Sunday and all the local wreckers were closed but I managed to get the hose fixed and fill the transmission back up.
Everything seemed fine but I guess the damage was already done.
She kept on going until a couple weeks back when out of the blue I had some slippage & serious vibrations coming from the box. She went a few hundred meters and literally just made it into the driveway.
The fluid is good. Everything is good. She will start up but vibrates like crazy.

I spoke to a few auto guys, wreckers & mechanics and the general consensus is that the box is stuffed. Im %99 sure it’s the box.

To get me on the road it’s going to cost:

$ 0.00 Change the gearbox. Thx to justfordima & RPD
$180.00 Tow. Quote from www.towie.com
$364.00 third party insurance
$497.00 Rego
$ 30.00? Pink slip
$???.?? Parts.

Everything bellow the line I can handle myself, it will just take a while. As long as the car is drivable I can get it down to the local mechanic for the pink slip & im sure I can fix any minor problems myself.

If you guys are serious about making donations any amount towards a tow is appreciated. Just send me a pm & I will give you my details.
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:13 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by BloodyFalcon
What about the donation thing? The best way to help this man with is car is to set something in stone.
If someone is willing to hitch a trailer to their car, then the best way is to get a trailer and take it to RPD workshop.
Is the AFF bank account suitable? Can we have an admin arrange somewthing?
ill start off

$20 for the cause
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Old 09-08-2006, 02:20 PM   #4
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Comeon anyone in Sydney either have a heavy duty (2 tonne) towpack on a car/4wd and/or a car trailer?
Old 09-08-2006, 03:01 PM   #5
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thats very unfortunate mate. sounds like you live fairly close to me as well. wish i could help :(
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:01 AM   #6
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Yeah I was just sitting here thinking about what one member said in a pm to me.
“it doesn't rain it poors... “

So true.

It wasn’t that long ago that I owned my house. Didn’t owe the bank a cent in fact I was up 100k. I was getting around in an FTO and I was cruising on my 04 Yamaha R1 on the weekends. All at 29
Its seems like yesterday because it was.
Now I live in government housing on government payments in debt up to my eyeballs. Begging for a few pennies from strangers. You have no idea how degrading this is. I hope you guys never have to find out. Everyday I wake and think how the hell did I get here.

I do realize that no matter how bad I think it is, my situation is sweet compared to most that have ever come before me and most that are living in the world today.
I was watching the news of a couple kids in hospital all messed up. Their whole family had just got wiped out by a bomb and these 5 & 10 year old kids were all that was left. I bet govt housing would seem like heaven to them poor buggers.

Yeah we kid ourselves thinking that we have some control over life. But the facts are we are all just passengers on this wild roller coaster of life.
The grandest intentions mean nothing compared to the smallest actions. Next time my roller coaster is up I will be sure to take some action.
If you guys really want to help just do something for someone else in the world. No matter how small & insignificant it may seem.

Thanks to the Ford Forums Administrators for you cash. It helps a lot.
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:19 AM   #7
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Imagine a perfect world, your walking along in your perfect world and you come to a canyon. A suspension bridge is all that stands between you and the other side. It all looks sweet and easy only some bits of the bridge are missing and you have to make a short jump and grab onto the other side. You think no problem. Piece o **** mate.

So you jump and you think you have made it but you slip. You’re free falling down into the canyon and your looking up at your perfect world thinking how the hell did I mess it up.

That’s where im at.
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:34 AM   #8
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Guys I have the equipement to do it where the car is.. But I'm nearly in the same vote strength wise[stuffed shoulders] .. If two young-sh guys can assist in fitting a second hand auto, I'll supply jack, stands etc..
Just need another auto....
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Old 11-08-2006, 10:50 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by MaC
Imagine a perfect world, your walking along in your perfect world and you come to a canyon. A suspension bridge is all that stands between you and the other side. It all looks sweet and easy only some bits of the bridge are missing and you have to make a short jump and grab onto the other side. You think no problem. Piece o **** mate.
So you jump and you think you have made it but you slip. You’re free falling down into the canyon and your looking up at your perfect world thinking how the hell did I mess it up.
That’s where im at.
Mac, i will probably get flamed for this but here goes, reading your story i agree it is possible to have a run of bad luck and it does happen, but going from your own house, 100K up and everything cruisy to bottom of a canyon in an eye wink is a major fall, an in reading your story about the bridge, it would all depend how well that bridge was built in the first place.

Regardless of this and the bridge being strong it is possible to stiil fall and as above this does happen, I might be wrong but i am sure there are govt depts that would help out in times of bad luck and should be able to help you get your car back on the road or at least help with a tow to the people that offered to help.

I will be also straight your thread title also puzzled me in that you are new here and it seemed to play a little with me.

Now before you start to bag me out hear me out, i have almost devoted my entire life to quietly helping many people in need, I have seen most examples of the real deal and the not so real and was taken for a ride by many people early on who claimed doom and gloom when in fact they were the result of thier current situation and no matter what help they were given it made no diference but these people were so good at what they done they believed thier own crap for better words.

I now have changed my saying from / to ( as part of my personal mission statement ) to help people less fortunate than my self in genuine need.

And it appears to me you are a genuine case but you write how will i ever repay you all, well if i have learnt anything from helping people over these years it is the ones that are quiet and have an inner strenght to get it all back on track, they make little noise and are quietly grateful, but at the same time often are moving back forward with or without help and when you say you dont know how you will pay back worries me in the sense that in someway with everything that has happened your self belief has also been shot, as your inner fire should know there is a way and not only that but stand back because i am coming through.

This post is no way to doubt your story or in any way a personal attack, but more if it is the real deal the only real person who will help you is yourself.

Now if as above your self belief took a battering along with everything else in the fall into the canyon PM me your postal address and details and i will send you a Anthony Robins ( a very top rated motivational lecturer known worldwide ) personal kit valued at around $500, yours free, but do me a favour don't PM me if it is just a whim or you believe as you have written that you have no control over your future and its a rollercoaster ride, but if your for real and want to win and wish to believe that you can control your future in lifes game, then as stated i will post it to you for free with one condition and that is when your back on your feet bigger and better than before you fell, that you quietly help someone else passing the torch to them.


Last edited by DOC; 11-08-2006 at 11:27 PM.
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Old 10-08-2006, 06:22 PM   #10
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Ill donate aswell..
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Old 10-08-2006, 06:49 PM   #11
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I'll donate , , all the way from north queensland !

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Old 10-08-2006, 06:53 PM   #12
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ebxr8240 - Where abouts are you located? And when are you doing this.. I will do my best to be there if thats where its happening.

I can also maybe organise a gearbox.. problem is finding one in good nic, as you don't want another to let go.

Ill see what I can do.

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Old 10-08-2006, 11:09 PM   #13
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I will be in Sydney for 2 weeks from 21/8 (most probably staying in the Campbelltown area), if it isn't done by then I can get my brothers Landcruiser and I will hire a car trailer for a day to take it to Richmond, or if it is organised to do it at Mac's place while I am up there I will make time to help out.


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Old 11-08-2006, 12:59 PM   #14
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One way or another this needs organising ....
I don't want to interrupt any one else's plans...
Or good spirit....
Real cars are not driven by front wheels,real cars lift them!!...
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Old 12-08-2006, 12:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by ebxr8240
One way or another this needs organising ....
I don't want to interrupt any one else's plans...
Or good spirit....
Well if the box is supplied, rather than taking the car to get the box fitted at RPD, i'll drive to RPD pick the box up, and go with EBXR8 and his tools to help fit it.. EBXR8 has the tools to do it, we live reasonably close together and it seems like the easiest way I can think of doing it..
saves towing fee's and the hassel of getting the car out there.

I know my way around the n/a fairlanes reasonable well to, as I used to have one.
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Old 12-08-2006, 02:37 PM   #16
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Mac, i will probably get flamed for this but here goes, reading your story i agree it is possible to have a run of bad luck and it does happen, but going from your own house, 100K up and everything cruisy to bottom of a canyon in an eye wink is a major fall, an in reading your story about the bridge, it would all depend how well that bridge was built in the first place.

Regardless of this and the bridge being strong it is possible to stiil fall and as above this does happen, I might be wrong but i am sure there are govt depts that would help out in times of bad luck and should be able to help you get your car back on the road or at least help with a tow to the people that offered to help.

I will be also straight your thread title also puzzled me in that you are new here and it seemed to play a little with me.

Now before you start to bag me out hear me out, i have almost devoted my entire life to quietly helping many people in need, I have seen most examples of the real deal and the not so real and was taken for a ride by many people early on who claimed doom and gloom when in fact they were the result of thier current situation and no matter what help they were given it made no diference but these people were so good at what they done they believed thier own crap for better words.

I now have changed my saying from / to ( as part of my personal mission statement ) to help people less fortunate than my self in genuine need.

And it appears to me you are a genuine case but you write how will i ever repay you all, well if i have learnt anything from helping people over these years it is the ones that are quiet and have an inner strenght to get it all back on track, they make little noise and are quietly grateful, but at the same time often are moving back forward with or without help and when you say you dont know how you will pay back worries me in the sense that in someway with everything that has happened your self belief has also been shot, as your inner fire should know there is a way and not only that but stand back because i am coming through.

This post is no way to doubt your story or in any way a personal attack, but more if it is the real deal the only real person who will help you is yourself.

Now if as above your self belief took a battering along with everything else in the fall into the canyon PM me your postal address and details and i will send you a Anthony Robins ( a very top rated motivational lecturer known worldwide ) personal kit valued at around $500, yours free, but do me a favour don't PM me if it is just a whim or you believe as you have written that you have no control over your future and its a rollercoaster ride, but if your for real and want to win and wish to believe that you can control your future in lifes game, then as stated i will post it to you for free with one condition and that is when your back on your feet bigger and better than before you fell, that you quietly help someone else passing the torch to them.

Brilliant post. Agree with a lot of the sentiments, but didnt post initially considering the sensitive nature of the topic.
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Old 14-08-2006, 05:06 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by stiddy
Well if the box is supplied, rather than taking the car to get the box fitted at RPD, i'll drive to RPD pick the box up, and go with EBXR8 and his tools to help fit it.. EBXR8 has the tools to do it, we live reasonably close together and it seems like the easiest way I can think of doing it..
saves towing fee's and the hassel of getting the car out there.

I know my way around the n/a fairlanes reasonable well to, as I used to have one.
Mate that sounds like a plan. If i can save the $ from the tow and put it towards getting it registered that would be the optimum outcome.
I will get on the blower to justfordima and see what he has to say about it.
lol i dont know if you guys remember how much longer things take without air. I dont have a compressor here so we could be at it for a while.
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Old 11-08-2006, 05:22 PM   #18
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oops, meant to be a pm...
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Old 11-08-2006, 05:28 PM   #19
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I've just had my share of bad luck also and I hate to see a good bloke down.. I'm in, $30 OK.....

PM me when the Account is set up and you need the money, I would how ever like to make payment to the forum and have them forward it on... Just for security... I have been ripped a few times


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Old 11-08-2006, 07:32 PM   #20
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I have made a donation directly, , Good Luck....

Proud to be an Aussie Male, , ,

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Old 11-08-2006, 07:40 PM   #21
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The other day I was a bit depressed but you guys have restored my faith in people. Complete strangers giving their hard earned cash to help me out. I don’t know how I will repay you all but I will find a way.
Some people may think it’s just a bit of cash but I see a bit further into it than that. Say you get paid $20 and hour and you give me $40. It isn’t just $40, its 2 hours of your time. 2 hours that could have been spent with you family or friends or doing whatever. Thanks so much guys. I haven’t just gained a bit of cash to get me by I have gained a bunch of new friends. :
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Old 11-08-2006, 09:53 PM   #22
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I'll tell how you can repay us mate.... Once the car is running again, we want you to use the surplus to help get back on your feet... You have done it once, you can do it again.... Then once you back up top... Let us know, and give us a big thank you. That all we want back.....

I will drop the cash into your account tomorrow.

By the way, how did you fall from grace. What it the result of heart problems or bussiness went bad????

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Old 12-08-2006, 07:09 PM   #23
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Please respect that some people may have different views, and other are just willing to help, it may be hard not to get angry with some replies, but sometimes fresh air is a better thing.

Even though I may or may not agree with Docs post, I can see that a lot of people are willing to get that car on the road for you, and some of us who are interstate have chosen to do so financially.

Fresh air Mac
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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Old 12-08-2006, 07:13 PM   #24
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Thanks for the advice. I will take it.
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Old 12-08-2006, 07:17 PM   #25
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Has anyone actually met this guy?
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Old 14-08-2006, 04:36 PM   #26
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OK ... it looks like it already has an auxiliiary transmission cooler fitted ... but the Ford radiator also incorporate a transmission cooler into it as well ... and is a part of the radiator as well. Usually the part that seperates the oil cooler and the radiator rusts through ... and allows coolant and trans fluid to mix (=BAD).

All in all it looks like one unit ... but it is seperated ... I'll try and dig up a picture for you. (Sorry ... have been searching all over the place but couldn't find a decent pic to explain it.)
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Old 14-08-2006, 05:12 PM   #27
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you don't need compressed air to change a gearbox, just your usual socket set with some spanners.

Ive talked to a couple of people, and so far no one can guarantee me a "good" box, all the ones people have either make funny noises, or unknown. The last thing I wanna do is supply a box that becomes faulty once more.

And as suggested, it would be much easier for you if it were done at your place or similar. And Im watching this thread, so let me know what you come up with.

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Old 14-08-2006, 05:25 PM   #28
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Thanks mate. You just saved me a fone call. Well beggars can’t be choosers. If a noisy box is all that you can get then that will have to do. Im sure your connections are much better than mine. You know what they say. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Mate I have no choice but to take what I can get.
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Old 14-08-2006, 09:15 PM   #29
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Hey sorry to hear about your bad luck Mac hope ur doing well and the car is getting there. I would only b 2 happy 2 chip in financially as i live in vic, I wouldve had i logged in here a on time but best of luck mate take it easy.
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Old 14-08-2006, 05:29 PM   #30
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Ok, I'll see where he's gotten it to.. (might need pulling out of a car).

And once you organise a date/time/location, post it up (or PM me), and we'll get things on the way.

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