Originally Posted by M&Ms
Cue all the journalists and euro / japanese fanboys saying "let the dinosaurs die".
The mentality of the car-buying public in Australia is disgusting (to say the least). There isn't any pride in what Ford / Holden (the locals) can do. I think the FG Falccon is a world class product! Sure, it might have some niggly issues, but nothing catastrophic. Ever driven an Alfa Romeo or BMW? Golf GTi's are shocking car's with all their woes; yet no one bags them out (whole crowd out there that love their Golf's more than their own families ffs!!!).
The Australian Government needs to step in and support the local car industry - it need private AND corporate buyers to buy local products. What can they do? How about removing the LCT on locally produced cars, make purchasing a local car tax deductable (or GST exempt) including all running costs, remove FBT payments on anyone who leases a local car, force governments and government owned companies in all states to buy local, and do something about petrol price gouging! This government needs to really look at where it spends its (or the tax-payers) money (how much are asylum seekers, dole bludger, etc costing this country????) and stop dragging Australia down until we are poorer than Vietnam!
/End Rant
And what is your local Federal Member of Parliaments name ? What is their email address ? Do you know how to do a header for a letter and perform a "cut and paste"? Can you bring yourself to combine all three ?
As I have posted before, as well as having a whinge on AFF, do something positive . Help out by telling the pollies how you feel, DIRECTLY.
Dont just hope that your local MP is a diehard fan of AFF. Chances of that are ZERO !!!