Originally Posted by Jim Goose
And only one person has bothered to actually post the QLD legislation which tells it CLEARLY that the ROAD RULES ONLY APPLY TO A ROAD..
NO ONE ELSE HERE has BOTHERED to show the revelevent LAW...
If you want to beat your drum please prove it.
Clearly someone has an axe to grind yet they havent bothered to GET OFF THEIR *** and show me the relevent legislation.
The law is CLEAR in QLD... Division 1 Roads and road related areas
11 Rules apply to vehicles and road users on roads and road related areas
Instead of creating more internet myths, please prove it.
Again some of you seem to think that only certain parts of the road laws apply on private land. Clearly NO ROAD rules apply on private land.
I can drive an un-registered vehicle on my property.
I can drive a modified car on my property.
I can drink drive in a registered/ unregistered vehicle on my property.
And that would be ME....
Although if you actually read the link you might notice this bit:
Sections 79, 79A and 80 under Part 3 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (TORUM) are the applicable sections in relation to your query. Section 79A defines the three alcohol limits. Section 79 (2A) creates an offence for a person under the age 25 who does not hold an open licence, if they exceed zero. Section 79 (2) creates an offence for a person if they exceed the general limit, i.e. equal or exceed .050. Section 79 (2B) & (2C) creates an offence when driving etc certain classes of vehicles with a blood/breath alcohol concentration greater than zero (trucks, buses, B-doubles). Section 79 (11) identifies where the offences apply to, i.e. road or elsewhere. Elsewhere can be a car park,
private property or a mining site.