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Old 09-11-2024, 01:59 PM   #1
mick taylor
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Default NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

NSW brought in stricter Pollution Laws in late XD and XE and XF.

Does anyone truly know totaly what the diffrence was that they did to NSW cars .
Lower compression on NSW 3.3L and 4.1L Why would they of done that ? and less power ! and fuel economy suffered in fact, regarding the testing standards of the day.

The 4.9L V8 got the same compression but stated same power but fuel economy suffered !

Did they get a different Camshaft setting rertarded abit more ? or some set settings difference to take advantage of the lower compression ? or just different spark timing settings ?

Later XF P van 3.3L auto does not pass NSW ADR !

And the later VC and VH 3.3L 4sp Commodore does not pass in NSW so you could not option that in NSW The VC-H 3.3L does not have an Air Pump that pumps air into the exhaust system so to burn off more unburnt fuel, a system before the can converter !

But the carby VK 3.3L gets the Air Pump so to pass NSW ADR.
VK 3.3L EFI does not need Air Pump !

But the 2.85L in the VH got the Air Pump and passed NSW ADR.

Thing is that the 3.3L VC-H with auto did pass NSW ADR ! but they run EGR, ADR27A Holdens with Manual box do not have EGR ! only the Auto's have EGR !

But all XC on have EGR regardless ! and Cortina 6 cyl. but NSW Cortina 6 cyl does not need to change to meet NSW Strict ADR Laws at all ! so their engines are just as the rest of Australia ! because they are lighter they must of passed the Test !

Oh and that awesome Starfire 4 got an Air Pump as well in the VH.

I have seen F100 with 4.1L ADR got less power figures posted than the Ford Falcons. maybe they are NSW ADR spec's !

Valiant Chryslers ended just befor the NSW ADR came into effect.
But i do not think that the 245 and 265 hemi 6 got EGR at all due to the advanced system they used back in the days.

Does anyone know such things better than me !
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Old 10-11-2024, 10:02 AM   #2
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

You might get a clue from looking at the XE vacuum schematics in the tech portal. Regardless of engine/trans combo they were all different for NSW.

In terms of the XE (the XD had no differences):

- the 3.3L Manual engine was the same for all States
- the 3.3L Auto engine was different for NSW
- the 4.1L Manual or Auto engine was the same for all States
- the 4.9L Manual or Auto engine was different for NSW
- the 5.8L Manual or Auto engine was the same for all States

Just as a footnote, the XD did offer both a low (7.87:1) and mid compression version of the 3.3L (8.70:1) engine but not for any emissions based reason.

In the XE series the LC 3.3L (8.35:1) was the NSW option while the rest of the country got a 3.3L HC (9.35:1).

There was 5 kW difference in output between the NSW and rest of Australia 3.3L engine but no difference was quoted for the 4.9L variations.

By XF, it's a bit more complex as ADR37 came into effect in 1986 which introduced ULP and tighter emissions laws nationally. We'd got a bit smarter so instead of playing around with compression ratios we just used different tunes and emissions plumbing to deal with NSW so the basic engines are identical.

Pre ADR37 there were 3 choices - a 3.3L HC (9.05:1), a 4.1L Carb (9.26:1) and a 4.1L EFI (8.89:1) producing 90kW, 103 kW and 120 kW, respectively along with 240 Nm, 316 Nm and 333 Nm.

Post ADR37 there were 3 choices - a 3.3L HC (8.86:1), a 4.1L Carb (8.77:1) and a 4.1L EFI (8.70:1) producing 89kW, 99 kW and 123 kW, respectively along with 238 Nm, 303 Nm and 328 Nm.


Observatio Facta Rotae

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Old 10-11-2024, 10:56 AM   #3
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

What a pain in the *** to manage that on the OEM side, I'm surprised that a state thought it was a good idea to introduce vehicle emissions standards separate from the rest of the country, and surprised the OEMs played the game there.

Did any foreign manufacturers offer vehicles modified for the NSW market or did they just withdraw from their market?

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 10-11-2024 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 10-11-2024, 04:33 PM   #4
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
I'm surprised that a state thought it was a good idea to introduce vehicle emissions standards separate from the rest of the country
And then consider California.....
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 10-11-2024, 11:44 AM   #5
XR Martin
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

Pretty sure everything foreign already met whatever new emission laws that were introduced at the time.
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Old 10-11-2024, 11:55 AM   #6
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

This demonstrates how stupid law makers are . Purchased new in NSW u received a lower spec version with tighter emissions schedule . Technically u cant drive another state first registered vehicle into NSW . WTF

Show the idiot politicians for who they truly are . Individual state laws still come up occasionally and pathetic differences do still exist [mainly modified vehicle laws ]. For new cars the govt have trouble interfering as none are produced in ozzy anymore
Once a vehicle is approved in one l state applies to all but court time will be needed to prove to the politicians .
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Old 10-11-2024, 12:48 PM   #7
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

Originally Posted by swamp View Post
This demonstrates how stupid law makers are . Purchased new in NSW u received a lower spec version with tighter emissions schedule . Technically u cant drive another state first registered vehicle into NSW . WTF

Show the idiot politicians for who they truly are . Individual state laws still come up occasionally and pathetic differences do still exist [mainly modified vehicle laws ]. For new cars the govt have trouble interfering as none are produced in ozzy anymore
Once a vehicle is approved in one l state applies to all but court time will be needed to prove to the politicians .
BS comment if I ever heard one.
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Old 10-11-2024, 05:30 PM   #8
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Default Re: NSW Pollution Laws 1980's

Back in the day, when NSW caught people removing emission gear like EGR, pollution hoses or spiking converters,
The fine was $1,000 straight up plus $100/day until a compliant emission vehicle was presented for inspection.

I used to have an XE workshop manual, the biggest difference between NSW and everywhere else
was the vacuum hoses and temperature ports that permitted vacuum advance, was delayed until warm up.
Another change was during the first 5,000 km the vacuum advance hose on the 4.1 I-6 was plugged.

Sorry, been too many years since misplaced…

If all your vac hoses look to be in place, EGR fitted ect then most inspection stations will give it a tick.
Funny thing is that until Euro 6 most manufacturers couldn’t/wouldn’t guarantee emission compliance
beyond 140,000 km.
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