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Old 28-02-2012, 09:38 PM   #1
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Posts: 327
Default EPA/CARB in US goes SCT

I hope this isn't a sign,

Apparently the vehicle emmissions of modified vehicles is of a greater concern to the US Government than their ********* up economy.


Important Notice from SCT Performance

IMPORTANT SCT Dealer News November 9th, 2011
RE: SCT Off-Road Diesel Programmers

Dear SCT Customer,
We regret to inform you that, effective immediately, SCT will no longer be offering for sale any of the following SCT products:


Our decision to discontinue these products is based on recent statements made by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regarding diesel performance products intended solely for racing/off-road use. The EPA and CARB have taken the position that the manufacturer of such products is solely responsible for the proper use of those products by the end-user. Despite our best efforts to carefully develop and implement procedures designed to ensure that each purchaser of our off-road/race-only products is aware of his or her legal obligations and promises to use those products in a lawful manner, as of this time we have not been able to gain satisfactory assurance that such measures will be considered adequate by the EPA and CARB. Consequently, we have chosen to withdraw our off-road/race-only products from the marketplace until we are able to verify that the sale of those products can be achieved in a manner that satisfies EPA’s and CARB’s concerns.

We will continue to monitor developments with regard to applicable federal and state legal requirements. If and when we are able to re-introduce these products into the marketplace in a manner that definitively meets all EPA and CARB requirements, we will do so. In the meantime, we trust that you will understand the basis for our decision.

Thank you for your continued support.

Rick Trudo, President - SCT Performance, LLC.


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