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Old 26-02-2012, 09:18 PM   #1
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Cool P platers give P platers a bad name.

Pretty ordinary title I must say
As one of my friends was driving through the carpark, a VP stationwagon gets inches within backing into her as she's driving out.

The idiot sticks his head out the window and yells "AWH WHOOPS MATE"
As if first impressions aren't bad enough, he then continues to tailgate her, got about 2 feet behind her at one point on the main raid, so obviously her reaction was to slow down to 55 (Limit was 60)
THEN he attempts to overtake her on a single lane road infront of a POLICE STATION

The levels of stupidity red P platers are getting to these days, It's mind-blowing, and then they wonder why they get pulled up by police all the time when they're actually obeying the laws!
End of rant.

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Old 26-02-2012, 09:28 PM   #2
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

In on Juan ...
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:31 PM   #3
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

i agree with what your saying, some P platers ruin it for the rest of us, but probably antagonizing a driver as you described is not a wise move. As you stated he then tried to over take, could have ended bad. Pulling over is one option to let them get on with their day and stop bothering everyone.
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:38 PM   #4
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Originally Posted by madwag
i agree with what your saying, some P platers ruin it for the rest of us, but probably antagonizing a driver as you described is not a wise move. As you stated he then tried to over take, could have ended bad. Pulling over is one option to let them get on with their day and stop bothering everyone.
I agree, slowing down wasn't the safest of moves (maybe on paper, but not in the real world).
But there was nowhere to pull over, on the left there was 3 parked police cars and on the right there was a few light poles
I imagine that is why he backed off after getting halfway past her car (And almost hitting a bus stop in the process)

Smashing into a parked police car = Shredded license
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Unfortunately a vehicle license is just a formality these days.

It used to be a privilege to drive and the apparent lack of driver education during the "P" phase is not helping either

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Old 26-02-2012, 09:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

You have extensive P plate laws for a reason: because over the years, P platers have shown a massive lack of responsibility on the road.
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:44 PM   #7
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Just driving home tonight on the F3... saw a few cars approach at warp 9... a Skyline, a WRX and an early 90's Corolla with 4 young blokes on their P's trying desperatly to keep up...... The lane swerving at 130ish didn't look pretty at all....

Perhaps they should watch that youtube clip - think it's somewhere in Russia?? / Ukraine where a car is tailing another car playing silly buggers - much like above. The front car swerves around a few trucks / tanker then there is a crash and explosion that is thankfully off screen, (hidden by the truck I think).....

None survived....
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:46 PM   #8
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I find this frustrating too, and since I'm only about to get L's, once I'm on P's some people may look and go "Oh no, a P plater..." I definitely won't be that kind of driver myself, but I know many are.

A recent encounter: Driving to Dunsborough from Busselton, 90km/h speed limit, and a black Commodore with P plates is behind us, driver bopping about to music, barely watching the road... 2-4m away from our bumper... couldnt even pull over safely...so it was lucky we had no reason to brake quickly.
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:47 PM   #9
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.


As a P plater driving a modified car, I do understand why the rules are there, but for drivers like me, it does make it a touch unfair.

My car puts out a lot of power (for an NA 6) but I don't drive like an idiot, I'm respectful and let people in and I don't speed or hoon about like the news will have you believe I do.

Matter of fact, almost none of my friends do. My dad drives like more of a hoon than me or my mates. But because we have the little red or green plate, we're terrorists.

I've had my license 3 years and never drunk driven, never lost a demerit point or anything like that, but I will still be treated the same as a P plater who has lost points, does burnouts and who has drunk driven if I get pulled over for a random check and Old Bill finds my extractors and other goodies.

Food for thought.
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Old 26-02-2012, 09:59 PM   #10
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Originally Posted by MWTB

As a P plater driving a modified car, I do understand why the rules are there, but for drivers like me, it does make it a touch unfair.

My car puts out a lot of power (for an NA 6) but I don't drive like an idiot, I'm respectful and let people in and I don't speed or hoon about like the news will have you believe I do.

Matter of fact, almost none of my friends do. My dad drives like more of a hoon than me or my mates. But because we have the little red or green plate, we're terrorists.

I've had my license 3 years and never drunk driven, never lost a demerit point or anything like that, but I will still be treated the same as a P plater who has lost points, does burnouts and who has drunk driven if I get pulled over for a random check and Old Bill finds my extractors and other goodies.

Food for thought.
I do feel sorry for the people that are honest P platers, and drive according to the laws
But when you're in an unroadworthy car, probably don't even have your license anymore, and you have 8 living things in your car (2 people in the front, 3 in the back and a dog that was unrestrained) and you have the balls to overtake someone on a single lane infront of a police station

I completely support the laws for P platers, and it ****** me right off when they think they have the right to drive a v8, or i6 turbo.
When he planted the foot as he got out of the Roundabout, he would've spun out and gone into one of the Houses on the side, or a tree.
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Old 26-02-2012, 10:02 PM   #11
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

It'll wear off. It did for me anyway.
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Old 26-02-2012, 10:07 PM   #12
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I am a p plater and can't understand how some other p platers get away with the stuff they do.

I drive sensibly and to the rules, I make sure my car is roadworthy, I don't overload with passengers etc etc...

I understand why there are rules against p platers simply because of the idiots out there - but after all of the testing and studying for the p plate test you'd think that some of them would take notice of it all.
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Old 26-02-2012, 10:43 PM   #13
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Some get away with it purely with luck on their side.

Others do not.

Food for thought

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Old 26-02-2012, 10:44 PM   #14
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I'm not even thinking about getting a falcon on my P's, only because of the prejudice people have on P Platers in their 'falcodores'
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Old 26-02-2012, 10:48 PM   #15
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

It's got nothing to do with what car you drive or people's perception of what you drive.

One stupid mistake makes a lot of sorry souls.........for a lifetime.

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Old 26-02-2012, 10:51 PM   #16
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I have many many mods planned for my BA, and already have the funds there, but I know if I get rims, lower, tint, I'm only going to be more of a target than I already am. Waiting for December 2013, and the mods can continue.
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Old 26-02-2012, 10:59 PM   #17
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Originally Posted by BAFrod
I have many many mods planned for my BA, and already have the funds there, but I know if I get rims, lower, tint, I'm only going to be more of a target than I already am. Waiting for December 2013, and the mods can continue.
I have no problems with you lowering and putting rims or tinting your car
Just please, don't put one of those stupid *** exhausts that make it sound like a fart on
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Old 26-02-2012, 11:03 PM   #18
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Originally Posted by Djrystofer
Just please, don't put one of those stupid *** exhausts that make it sound like a fart on
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Old 26-02-2012, 11:05 PM   #19
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I know heaps of P platers that have been caught, fined, written car off, and also had their license suspended. So rest assure guys there are more of those stupid P platers getting caught then we think.
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Old 26-02-2012, 11:09 PM   #20
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

Originally Posted by plarazza
I know heaps of P platers that have been caught, fined, written car off, and also had their license suspended. So rest assure guys there are more of those stupid P platers getting caught then we think.

Only problem is there's more of them being allowed onto the roads, than there is being taken off.

I know of 3 that have written their car off, but none of them lost their license.

Then one of them had the balls to say 'I'm a safe driver, I just do stupid things sometimes'
He had written 3 cars off by the time he was 1 year into his green p's.
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Old 26-02-2012, 11:18 PM   #21
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

You lot are insane.
P platers are the greatest drivers out.
If it aint pullin single peggers, it aint worth driving!!
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Old 26-02-2012, 11:51 PM   #22
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Default Re: P platers give P platers a bad name.

I think we can all see that this is not exactly the type of thread that will head anywhere apart from downhill.
All of us have to learn sometime - some of us learn quick, others simply refuse to learn.
Ultimately one of them tends to survive through it all with less points, & considerably less angst, then the other
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