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Old 11-02-2021, 06:09 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Default Buying land and building house

Hi everyone

Was wondering if there’s ways to find people and friends to do small jobs here and there for just to allow you possibly 10 years to build a house of your own.

Am planning on following options and wondered which would be cheapest and make most sense in copper coast area in sa. It will probably take 5-10 years for it to happen though.

1. Buy a completely vacant block and get house approval just for the sheds then see what it’d cost to build to lock up stage and get the shed problem sorted first then finish off the house and hope that the house can be completed in 3-4 years after getting approved.

2 buy a block with a shed already there which you can get for $90,000-100,000 if you wait and look around with enough room to put house there in front with a driveway as you would with option 1.

3. Buy the cheapest house you can just for the sheds and get that sorted then work out the house, would just renovating the front and building extension be better especially if the house is stone and cracks easily or would it be cheaper to knock down and rebuild, am thinking knock down and rebuild because you can build it how you want.

All options will need to have a yard with atleast 1200m2 space preferably a little more and will be out town a little probably.

it’s going to take time as only have one income which is why it took the aunt longer to buy the house she’s in than it took the parents to buy their first one as she only has one income where as the parents had 2 at time.

And am better to come up with atleast 20% for a deposit even though minimum is 10%.

Also what has happened to the days that people were happy to save more for a deposit and wait longer and not only come up with minimum they’ll get away with and rush things so they can have it now because they couldn’t wait or go without.

People currently in their 70s & 80s In their day probably came up with atleast 20% for a deposit and were happy to wait longer and save for one thing at a time.

These days people who are in their 30s/40s/50s/early 60s Especially people in their 20s/30s won’t come up with more than they have to for a deposit so they can have it now and not wait like their grandparents did in their day.

Also people years ago just managed on one wage and didn’t mind going without but now it seems that this generation have to have 2 jobs or wages just to get more money to pay for everything and have been told by a person in their 80s that it’s because they want everything now and working out what to put it down to.

A cousin probably only has 1 1/2 wages and manages ok just has to get bills out way and wait longer for rest.

And the older generation in their day did and still just put up with things going wrong all time and wait till things stop working completely or are completely worn out before replacing. These days in the throwaway time they still put up with things.

Where as as soon as something starts causing trouble and messing up our time we just throw it out and buy new
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