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Old 03-07-2006, 06:30 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Poison Ivy

What has happened to the days when guys asked girls out? When a guy picks a girl up from her house & drops her off without expecting something else? Are these days dead? What has happened to dating?
Those days aren't dead, well at least not in my opinion anyway. I took a girl out on Saturday Night, Picked her up from her house, went out, had a great night, then dropped her home later. I didn't expect anything, and she's not the type of girl that would put out that easily anyway. To be honest it really doesn't bother me, in fact it probably increases the respect i have for her.

Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
I think it would be nice for a guy to put some effort in. And when I say effort I mean, nice clean clothes, a shave, aftershave or cologne, deodorant (this should not be an effort but surprisingly to some it is). Is this asking too much? I don’t think so because I’m sure if a girl turned up to a date without any deodorant on the guy would be doing a runner in no time.
Agree with FordFan86. If a guy cant be bothered making an effort to make himself look clean and respectable, then they're not really worth it.
T3 TE50 #146

Originally Posted by UNR8D
Id rather date a goat with syphilous then drive a maloo.
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