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Old 08-04-2024, 07:19 PM   #5
Rallye Sport
RS The Faster Fords
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Default Re: Sheesh the groceries are getting pretty crazy

Same as prktkljokr
Pantry room in a spare room, freezer and vacuum sealer, shop the specials and stock up. Helps that the Mrs is a Chef too.

Vege's come from local farm gates or markets. Meat bought in bulk portioned at home.
We've been doing alright lately, scotch @13kg, fresh local prawns @$6kg, thats surf and turf a couple of nights a week for the next few months.
Razors half price, got a years supply.
Meat and vege scraps vac packed and saved for soup stock later, waste not want not.
Once again same as prktkljokr has said, its just habit now, its helped us to be mortgage free and I'm starting to get fat in my middle age
Love hearing people complain about the cost of going out too, we try to get out a couple of nights a week and do the local parmi and pint, pasta, pizza, ribs specials. Nothing over $25ea.
Its not all doom and gloom out there if you choose to make some changes.
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