Full retail price is only for people who pay for your discounts
I know some people will roll their eyes, weirdo prepper etc, the more you read the more you will understand the madness, A old couple told us this 30 years ago and it took us a while to adopt the right attitude to make it work, we too thought why bother at the time, this is not about hoarding supplies in case zombies attack or a nuclear attack or whatever, its to save money plain and simple .
You have to look at this as a yearly saving your not going to see the reward until you have what you need.
Based on what you just purchased, your yearly grocery bill would be $26,572, you can halve this and in some cases go even lower depending on your will power and your storage space
Its simple, you just need to adopt different shopping habits, places like Coles and Woolies etc will have lots of specials as they always do, they tell you they are keeping prices down blagh, blagh, blagh, they are full of crap, they recoup the discount they give you on other needed items that are not on special, so you might save $1 on your bag of Pasta, but pay a extra $1 on the sauce to go with it, they are in the business of making profit they are not just going to discount stuff without recouping it somewhere else, so to beat the system you need to buy a whole carton of pasta when its on special instead of 1 packet, but only buy 1 sauce for the week, next week the sauce will be on special and the pasta will be more expensive, so a carton of sauce goes in the trolly, this will give you pasta and sauce for the rest of the year, you adopt this on nearly every item you need, before you know it you will have a stock of weekly used products and a yearly bill that is thousands and thousands cheaper, you wont need to buy that item at full price ever again, you do need a room you can use to store it all or lots and lots of cupboard space and you will save money yearly over time by even not having to go to the shop at all, I am lucky as I have a 5 bedroom house but only use 2 as bedrooms, 1 is now our store room, the other 2 are for guests .
For an example I use LYNX deodorant, it is usually $6.50 per can, wife found it for $2 per can, she purchased 30 cans @$60 with a usual full retail of $195 ( they had to grab her a box from out the back

), nearly 2 years worth for me so she saved us $4.50 per can a total saving of $135, seeing I use a can roughly every 3 weeks just for the year she saved us $78, I know it does not sound like much, but when you add this to every item you purchase every week it does not take much to save a fair few thousand dollars or more, plus it will go on special many times again before we need to think about purchasing it again, so we are never paying full retail for it ever again.
I myself have never really looked at a grocery bill ( not my dept

), but we do buy our meat farm direct, with our fruit and vegetables coming from a growers co
op, have done this for about 10 years now, even delivered it is way cheaper and way better quality than any of the mainstream supermarkets have to offer and way fresher.
You have to buy the meat in bulk, so we pay $800 for just over a couple of months worth of meat to feed 3, the one we use does chicken, pork, lamb, beef sausages etc, can you imagine buying a weeks worth of meat for $100 from a supermarket?, not going to happen, be lucky to get 4 half decent steaks, and seeing meat will be the biggest expense on most shopping lists its a good idea to look for a farmer who butchers his own meat, our contact was from word of mouth and he delivers once a week to Perth metro.
Luckily the wife has always had a habit of buying stuff in bulk when its on special or from places that sell bulk at discounted prices, so we have a store room full of most household weekly needed supplies, not even a really big thing to do even if you are struggling and not a bad habit to slowly adopt if you can, you just need to start out small like a couple of extra items each week and you get to a point where your weekly shop is only to top up the store and buy bulk items that are on special, we would save thousands each year just on buying when on special, one of the best things I ever did with the money we saved was buy a 700ltr chest freezer its now full of frozen specials

, now have bulk frozen products, cartons of soap, cartons of drinks, water, cartons of toilet rolls, cartons of toiletries, deodorant's, shampoos, etc, cartons of tin food, you get the idea, I feel a bit like we are living one of those prepper shows you see on TV when I walk into the store room as its full, but I reckon we could go close to a year without having to go to the shops, our stockpile was created over a fair few years, but has saved us enough money over the years to pay out the mortgage early.