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Old 08-04-2024, 12:59 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Sheesh the groceries are getting pretty crazy

Cant just be us. Groceries for the week just cost $511.
Me and the mrs, 2 dogs and a cat. Granted this was one of the weeks that included toiletries and windex etc..
No takeaways, home cooked healthy meals, mainly meat based as we are on keto. We couldve trimmed about 50 bucks off for dog treats and a slab of coke zero. Everything is home brand or the cheapest of its kind on special. No smokes, booze etc in it either.
We have tried going to butchers and grocers seperately in the past but it wasnt any cheaper, and surprisingly the meat wasnt as good.
How high can this go?
Us with a small mortgage, no kids and both on pretty good coin with work cars are now starting to feel it a bit.
I really dont know how young families are doing it with new houses and 2 new cars on finance.
I guess my observation is that prices never come down, but wages cant go up either because most of our industries are already struggling.
Whats the end game here?
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