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Old 21-02-2005, 05:31 PM   #17
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Jason, the plug is a square plug about 1x1.5cm and looks nothing like a stacker plug. I know it doesn't power it, it'd just be remote and speaker signal wiring (turn 'em off/on). I don't know if it'd work without them, I'm going to go out and try in an hour.

The unit is made for rear passengers only, you can either get the sound through infra red head phones (which I have) or through the speakers if it's selected on the head unit. The driver/front passenger can listen to their own music or radio or whatever.

The BA system, according to Ford and Eurovox IS made by them.

I know the fitter wouldn't know, but RussellW said that the kit came with a wiring diagram for the fitter if he/she needed it. He also said those diagrams were discarded after fitment.

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