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Old 28-04-2023, 09:09 PM   #74
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: Trends and Choices

Too many options. It gets confusing. I will put it as simply as i can. Everyone has been to a wedding before where the meal options are beef, chicken or vegetarian. Pretty simple, nobody ponders the menu for long. In the same token most people have been to restaurants with a 27 page menu and take ages to order as there are so many options and a lot are so similar.
Yes i am a parent. Thing is, in my opinion, let kids be kids. Dont confuse them when theyre kids. If they arent old enough to understand stuff like sexual identity or whatever, just let them be kids. Other then sexual health, when i was at school they didnt teach the confusing stuff they do now. Did that mean there were no people who identify differently? No, but those people worked it out for themselves, not told per say.
I accept all people regardless, people are people. But confusing kids with things they do not yet understand just , yeah, that.
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