Thread: China protests
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Old 29-11-2022, 08:25 PM   #29
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Default Re: China protests

Originally Posted by Sprintey View Post
I don't normally do these threads.

But someone above says Xi was elected (fair enough) and someone later says he's president for life. Did the Chinese people elect him president for life?
The former 2 term limit as President has been removed by the congress.

Most if not all Western MSM have reported that as Xi now being President for life which is yet another example of the pure unadulterated BS and propaganda our MSM serves up and is readily consumed by many in the West who it seems cannot thing for themselves and believe everything they see and read on social media posted by people with too much time on their hands and little incentive to actually research a subject before jumping on the bandwagon.
Talk about first world problems when so many in the world are starving or suffering in their millions in "3rd world" countries through no fault of their own, just the misfortune to have been born in a country ignored by those in countries who enjoy a far higher standard of living (from having industrialised so much sooner and/or from having many colonies feeding wealth back to the home country) yet choose to focus the bulk of their energies not on helping their fellow man but rather on conflicts (economic and militarily) to maintain what they perceive to be their natural place of superiority over others, with other countries who it would appear from history, more civilized than most of us.

What happened to the old fair play many of us prided ourselves on, hell if China can play capitalist better than we can then we need to get smarter and play better, not change the rules of the game, or try and cause mayhem within their society through dissidents and underhand tactics, jeez we'd scream blue murder if they tried that with us yet we seem to think it's ok for us to do that.... are we so scared of China and so desperate to cling to some belief we are better than everyone else?
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