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Old 09-09-2022, 04:15 PM   #29
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: How does the tip work? Never been there...

At those prices I'd be sorting the crap out and putting it slowly through your normal bins, then its free.

If you don't sort it and get the recyclables out you'll be paying through the nose.

Last time I took a high sided 6 x 4 trailer load to Werribee tip it was $90 and the same at Sunshine tip was $110. That was at least 10 years ago now.

You'd think when your getting ****ed that hard you'd at least get a reach around included, but nope. Not in this case.

Seems its only gotten tons more expensive.

I remember going to the Sunshine tip and the bloke next to me had a caged 6 x 4 full of metals he was tossing into the pit. He actually paid a hefty sum to dump recycling and they just picked it up and put it in the metals bin. I did the right thing after he was done and told him he could have taken it to a metal recycler and they would have paid him for it. Probably $150 to $200 worth.

Insanely lucky here. We have a gated 6 x 4 trailer, capacity is about 2.6m3. Green waste is entirely free. General waste is $40 these days, used to be $15 a couple of years back, at the capacity of the trailer.
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