Thread: Haunted Roads
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Old 09-02-2022, 10:48 AM   #66
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Haunted Roads

Do you want a fair dinkum " ghost story " a story about something so outlandish that none of you will believe it, maybe again be critical and try to put it down to drivel?

But it's quite true, as you all know I have terminal cancer, due to asbestos fibre inhalation, it's been sitting in my lung for over 20 years and visible as a tiny nodule.
I had an appointment with the Physician on 20th October 2019, it was to discuss what exactly I had growing in my chest, type and position of this small now 4mm x 5 mm tumour.
Also to discuss what to do about it?

The night before on the evening of 19th October just on dusk, I was sitting in my driveway with my cat, feeding him his favourite little biscuits, Optimal ocean flavour, I feed them one by one and he just chews em down and looks at me waiting for the next treat.
But he stopped eating, lifted his head and stared over the road to the park and lagoon, I'm talking to him telling him to eat or I go inside, it was pretty cool and breezy, but no, still kept looking over the road right on the corner, his whiskers had curled forward almost in an arc and his lip was " chattering " which he does before he pounces on his prey, can't can't see a foot in front of them, they use their whiskers to feel what is ahead.

I was looking at him and he stopped eating so I looked where he was looking, the corner of our very quiet T intersection street has a footpath on only one side of the street, it turns left toward the gutter to cross our street, it's a mini gutter ramp.

There on the corner was a 7' tall coal black cat, standing upright, it was so black it's face was featureless, it had a type of hat/ frame with a scarf over the hat piece down to its shoulders, it was wearing a 3/4 length canary yellow coat, it was the style of what Tibetan women wear, she had a book in her left paw held against it's left thigh.
The book was quite big, bigger than A4 size, it was an olive colour leather bound book, around the edge were laurel leaves embossed on the perimeter.
I was talking to her mentally, but nothing, I had one hand on my cat and it was really vibrating and shaking, I immediately thought a Tibetan Goddess of Death, she started dancing foot to foot and singing a tune of some type, I looked away for a millisecond and she was gone!
My cat went back inside and hid in the wardrobe, I knew I was getting bad news the next day from the doctor, and it was worse than I thought, they told me to come back in 9 months to see this cancers progression!!

This is a true story, and I have always seen things, including the future, she never came back, she warned me, that's all, just warned me that my treatment would be conservative or non-existent, which it was.

My beliefs are not Christian, but I follow and have done for 50years or more, Tibetan Lamism and Hinduism.

And I have absolutely no fear of death or the afterlife!

Last edited by slowsnake; 09-02-2022 at 10:51 AM. Reason: Autospell
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