Thread: Find a friend
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Old 05-02-2022, 08:54 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Find a friend


Was wondering what you can do to find a girl to hang around with and if there’s still hope to meet people the way baby boomers did or if we just have to accept meeting people is now different and just be careful.

most younger people work during week and have weekends off and events happen on weekends that doesn’t happen in the work week and because of that and being in the hospitality industry it makes it hard and wanting to get out at some point and do something else that only works normal business hours.

At the moment the time isn’t right to change careers which will probably make things easier and trying to hang on until the deli changes owners.

Do you lot think it’d be a good idea to plan a way out now even though am not doing anything in a hurry because very unlikely to last longer than the owners 60th in 3 or 4 years and may be doing well to last that, she’s 57 now and it’ll probably that long to come up with something.

Giving it till the owners 60th to see what happens.

Have also some business goals and wish to reach them in next 5 years.

At moment am happy enough where am living, it’s hard having people over and like to have own space to have people over and that’s making it hard.

Eventually will have own house but am waiting until am able to buy and until then am happy with current living arrangements.

What makes it easy for other people to find a guy or a girl or friends similar age. Is it the hours they work or what is it.

Last edited by PG2; 05-02-2022 at 10:32 PM.
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