Originally Posted by T3rminator
I have a different view as a Vic. We were encouraged to get 90% vaxxed so that we can start to have some sort of normality. We got there. I really see no point holding resentment towards those who are unvaxxed, we aren't going to get anywhere, they no longer really pose a big health threat to society. We are never going to get to "live with it" if we keep this up.
I'm not a fan of joker but I would love to see the best compete in events held here. The city needs it, the foot traffic, for traders, employment, hope.....everything you mentioned.
That's from a health perspective, if he has broken immigration laws, then bye bye!
Gotta disagree T3, but in a gentlemanly manner, I'd sooner not have a job or lose business if it meant just one "big name" any sport cant have it his own way for once in his life, he is the best though, the best at arrogance and being a person of legendary status in his own mind, we don't need him, the tournament will go on without him, the traders will still trade, the workers will work and Australia will give a big sigh of relief, and get on with more important things than DjoCovid and his big ego........