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Old 14-11-2021, 02:39 PM   #1767
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by wodahs View Post
idk they need help so give them help
but they are bloody idiots
got all the off road gear but dont know how to use it or have a shovel
just like people that buy big caravans but have never towed a thing in their life and have a vehicle too small for it and end up flipped
unfortunate theres not to much you can do but help them after the situation
They let it dry out a bit, then back the damn thing out, they dident just drive along and fall Ito a mud hole the exact shape of their vehicle, you can see the tyre tracks going in, they have hit a wet patch and tried to back out and instead of getting out to check the situation and assess their next move, they more than likely just put it in reverse and dug themselves in deeper?....idiots, they are a very dangerous species, and very common in the outback, it attracts them like flies, its a dangerous place and will kill you, simple as that, the outback is a death trap for the wary, nevermind the unwary
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