Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 30-10-2021, 07:29 PM   #16581
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by LG17 View Post
My take on the jabs is very simple.
Firstly I'm well over 70 and grew up with kids who had polio, for example.
Now, polio is a very contagious virus which can have serious effects on people, including attacking the spine and thereby causing paralysis.
The Salk vaccine was developed in the early '50s and was given to schoolkids on a large scale as early as '54.

Not a long time between development and general usage.
Like all vaccines there are side effects but people in general welcomed it because the positives outweighed the negatives.

It's been a wonderful vaccine.

The Covid vaccines have also been developed and put into general usage fairly quickly.
My best mate is fighting cancer so his health is severely compromised.
My grandkids are very young.
I could never live with myself if I ended up giving them the virus because I didn't want to get jabbed.
Many of the so called anti-vaxxers only think of themselves and couldn't give a stuff about anyone else. We hear in the news of unvaccinated people having the virus and subsequently passing it on to their elderly parents, many of whom get very sick and many, unfortunately die.
I wonder how they justify their stance and live with the consequences of their inaction.
that there is a problem, did the specialist ok the vaccine??
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