Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 30-10-2021, 02:17 PM   #16577
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Bossxr8 View Post
As you can see here, the vaccines aren’t that effective against the delta variant. And most studies are showing similar results. And drops off over time. But i’m sure this will get deleted as misinformation, despite being cleared by google’s fact checkers.
"aren't that effective" is just a distortion of what they're saying though. If you go around simplifying what the researchers have said then people are going to think maybe they shouldn't bother getting vaccinated then, seeing as you said it's not effective?

What you were talking about earlier is preventing infection versus preventing disease.
Scientists are further along at figuring out how to prevent disease than they are at completely eliminating infection because preventing a virus from entering a cell is really hard. The virus just evolves a new way to enter the cell.
It's like barricading a door and then someone just breaks in through the window instead. All that time and research and the virus has outsmarted it. That's pretty much what has happened with our vaccines, they were created to recognise a spike protein.... and then delta came along with a new spike protein. It won't be the last time either.

Our best shot.. with current technology... is to try and prevent people from developing serious disease instead, and that's exactly what the vaccines do. They let your immune system rehearse so that when the actual virus comes along, your immune system will kill it before it kills you.

From your linked article:
“The good news is that the data clearly shows that receiving a full vaccination series significantly reduces the risk of severe disease and death. When called to do so, people should get vaccinated,” says Dr. Kluge.