Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 30-10-2021, 01:19 PM   #16574
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Bossxr8 View Post
Preventing hospitalisation yes, they do that. But covid isn’t going to disappear, and these vaccines get less effective with every new variant. It’s so over hyped.
They have done a lot to prevent hospitalisation and death, they are key to opening up and not overunning the health system, isn't that enough to make it worthwhile?
There's no point in holding off on vaccination just because it's not a perfect prophylactic solution to prevent infection. Bird in the hand worth two in the bush scenario, they are key to ending lockdowns and opening up. Remember - the lock downs were purely because we don't want to over run the hospitals (and morgues).

Never mind all the BS you read about covid vaccines - fact is it's just an immune system preparing vaccine - an inoculation - just like the smallpox vaccine. If everyone gets vaxxed maybe, just maybe, we'll buy time to deal with a future variant or even prevent another variant getting a foothold and causing more problems.
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