Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 30-10-2021, 09:48 AM   #16565
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by LG17 View Post
Many of the so called anti-vaxxers only think of themselves and couldn't give a stuff about anyone else. We hear in the news of unvaccinated people having the virus and subsequently passing it on to their elderly parents, many of whom get very sick and many, unfortunately die.
I wonder how they justify their stance and live with the consequences of their inaction.
This is probably going to be super controversial but that sense of community within society is disappearing and so a part of me can understand.

We've got kids put through school and uni and then can't get jobs. Then if they get a job it doesn't pay enough to buy a house. They can't afford to save for a deposit and pay rent at the same time. It's affecting their mental health, it's preventing them starting families when they should be, it's affecting peoples' lives.

Others... who benefited purely by being born earlier.. were able to get on the ladder. It's socially accepted to gobble up so much housing as an "investment portfolio" which really just means hoarding-a-limited-resource-thats-also-a-basic-need and letting the demand squeeze society so hard that the value goes up and results in people living in cars and caravans. They're just wringing society dry. Landlords upping rent not because their mortgage has gone up that much but because they want more profit from those other people in society.

That's what society is today. Milking each other for profit. The haves basically exploiting market forces to get more money from the have-nots. And then people wonder why one person doesn't care about ensuring the personal safety of another person?
Is it really any wonder that the pandemic has exposed that there is such social turmoil and division between people? We're seeing the results of 20 years of squeezing people who no longer care about others because noone has cared about them, in my personal opinion.
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