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Old 18-10-2021, 12:35 AM   #1
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 12
Default Key won't turn in ignition barrel.

I have a Ford Fiesta WS 2010 that the key won't turn in the ignition. (Steering wheel is also locked).
We are going to go to locksmiths tomorrow, and try our luck having a new key cut, but I am thinking if the ignition barrel requires to be replaced, is it just a matter of pushing in the pins to remove the key tumbler? (With the steering wheel being locked, only one steering wheel surrounds screw is exposed, so it's going to be fun trying to remove the surrounds).
If the current key is too worn to be copied, I am guessing we will have to source the key code from Ford.

Another thing is too, this is my nieces car, and when she bought it some time ago, she only received one key from the previous owner. It's also not the original key; no buttons to unlock door.
Did these models come out with a flip key originally, or did their original keys have buttons to remote lock/unlock the car?

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