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Old 18-04-2006, 04:14 PM   #13
Solution Was Boost 4?, 6 & 8
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Chairman's Award: Chairman's Award - Issue reason: The exceptional contribution made to AFF events and sponsorship. Valued Contributor: For members whose non technical contributions are worthy of recognition. - Issue reason: Everything you do to help this place run smoothly! Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The awesome Technical and Service how to's in the FPV /XR6 /G6ET turbo threads..  and his own build threads that inspire people to have a go... enabling people to save money and realise the dream of working on their own cars as well. 

R.I.P to the Ute, it had many good runs, I seen the 1st - 12 sec pass, and the 1st - 11 sec pass, both done at HPR on a Sunday.
Chris you achieved a lot and put plenty effort into it well done.
Now I know, this is something that you cant take out of peoples blood once a drag racer always a drag racer, it wont be long before we see you steer something down the 400 meter black top soon.

On a slightly different note I believe one of your new customers has the quickest BA GT sedan, I am sure he ran a 12.88 on Saturday night.
Blue GT sedan white stripes.

2017 GT Mustang Plenty of RWKW

Last edited by SpoolMan; 18-04-2006 at 04:32 PM.
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