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Old 18-04-2006, 10:12 AM   #1
KenneBell Australia
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Default Bluepower Ute retires, Thanks AFF!

It is with a little sadness we would like to announce the retirement of the Blueprint XR8 ute from quarter mile action and product development.

The car will be put back to near standard, and will be used for towing purposes in the future. However, no more strip time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank AFF and the loyal drag racers and spectators that have watched the car evolve from the slowest BA XR8 at the track, to the quickest outright forced and NA.

The car retires with its records intact and unbeaten.

Since I have been racing the ute, I have made many friends in the LS1 scene, and ironically it was an LS1 bigmouth that angered me to the point where i embarked on this campaign. Thankfully, I have found our LS1 counterparts to be nothing like this, and they have been a pleasure to race with.

We have never had the budget to run with the "heavy hitters" out there in the trade, twin turbos and monster blowers have always been out of our reach. We have had to work with what we had, and for the BA we didn't have much. To think a little 4psi non-intercooled blower could achieve so much is amazing. Our policy has always been to "Race what we sell, sell what we race", and as a result, we have produced the most 12 sec BOSS packages out there, and made many firsts.

*first uncracked 260 into the 12's
*first 260 110mph
*first NA 11sec pass
*first NA Boss past 115mph
*Quickest BOSS XR8 11.45@122

CAPA, Dominator, Difilippo, Northern Differentials, Aussie Car Enhancements, Themboys, Orsm Ford cruisers, APS Frankston, thanks a bunch.

Thanks to my customers, especially all the interstaters who put much faith in me....

Thanks SLYXR8 and ORSMXR, my right hand men.

So thanks guys for the PM's, the emails, pics and all the support, it has been a rough road, but we have had a bunch of fun along the way. This is a difficult decision, and not one we have made lightly. You will still see me at the track, i have many clients to help out at the track.The R and D on the blue beast was done wholly and solely for my customers.

Thanks again peoples, and keep enjoying your racing. Keep the fun in it, and you wont go wrong.

Warmest regards

Chris Finnin

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