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Old 26-07-2021, 11:54 AM   #30
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Perth Australia
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Default Re: You Don't own MY Reality

Originally Posted by tweeked View Post
Wow..........You need to talk to more men. You will be surprised if you go in with an open mind.
Spot on, am glad you answered and not me, some folk are weak willed and shy with it, gay men and women feed on that weakness, I come home from work one day and my missus had cut her long golden blonde hair off, short short, like a bloke, she was sitting legs apart in jeans sucking on a stubby with a fag hanging outta the side of her mouth, was just about to say something and another voice cut in?

Well well, it was a carbon copy of my wife, every time i asked a question it was answered by this dysfunctional thing, in the end I picked her up over my shoulder, walked 50 metres to Gl......k lagoon and threw her in, I said don't come into my house ever again, you want to look like an idiot that's fine, but my wife is a woman not a lemonhead!

Big fireworks that night, 3 feet of beautiful blonde hair gone, I said I hope you donated it to the Cancer Council, she said the hairdresser bought it and we bought drinks with it!
I went off my nut, my missus was a stage 4 manic depressive, easily led and a walkover for a dominant woman.

True story 1992, we split a year later

Chilly Beers
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