Originally Posted by Tickford.
So far, not one returnee has left Howard Springs after catching Covid DURING quarantine! Must be working ok. Anyone know why?
I'm going to guess 2 things.
1. Flights going into Darwin don't have people who qualify for exemptions.
2. Howard Springs is run by experts specifically trained to do this kind of thing day to day, AUSMAT NCCTRC. Whereas state quarantine facilities are put together with health officials who don't normally do this kind of work, but were "quickly" trained to fill a gap.
Originally Posted by Officemanager
Interesting you say that about people not wanting to get tested I think a lot of people are getting sick of this covid b.s. rules and wanting to get back to normality.
Just my opinion after having everyday discussions with people.
Agree. We haven't really had a real outbreak since Christmas / New Years. People are over it. No one is worrying about the little sniffle any longer.