Originally Posted by Tickford.
NSW's testing figures have dropped off dramatically in the last 24 hours. Only 7,724 tests conducted! In the middle of restrictions and trying to find the "missing link", that is a very low number. Peak in the last few days was Saturday 8th with 22,153 tests. That is more like it. Maybe being a Saturday helped there. What is going on in NSW??
Compare that to VIC's figures (where there has been no community transmission) in the last few days; 11 May - 12,918, 10 May - 10,546, 09 May - 13,230, 08 May - 18,517, 07 May - 16,135, 06 May - 16,400, 05 May - 19,402. Well done VIC's.
Maybe the entire NSW should be declared a red zone until NSW starts to follow the other States and Territories approach. Too much risk to the other States/Territories just because one particular Premier wants to play political games.
Perhaps the low numbers was because people didn't want to get tested...................... like your
Infection control manager who was stood down?