Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 11-05-2021, 05:10 PM   #10601
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

NSW's testing figures have dropped off dramatically in the last 24 hours. Only 7,724 tests conducted! In the middle of restrictions and trying to find the "missing link", that is a very low number. Peak in the last few days was Saturday 8th with 22,153 tests. That is more like it. Maybe being a Saturday helped there. What is going on in NSW??

Compare that to VIC's figures (where there has been no community transmission) in the last few days; 11 May - 12,918, 10 May - 10,546, 09 May - 13,230, 08 May - 18,517, 07 May - 16,135, 06 May - 16,400, 05 May - 19,402. Well done VIC's.

Maybe the entire NSW should be declared a red zone until NSW starts to follow the other States and Territories approach. Too much risk to the other States/Territories just because one particular Premier wants to play political games.
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