Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 10-05-2021, 09:31 PM   #10592
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Before the US stopped the J & J shot because of the clots my two neighbors ( both in their 60's both over weight ) got it at the same time and then spent 2 weeks worried sick about a blood clot.

Here my mom got Moderna 1 day sick after second shot
sister got moderna 4 days sick after second shot
brother got pfizer 2 days sick after second shot
cousin got pfizer , second shot was yesterday is sick now
friend got moderna second shot is next monday he weighs 400 pounds hes nervous he booked 2 days sick time in advance

I haven't gotten any because I had the covid last summer I figured I'd wait , I will probably go moderna , in the next month walk ups should be much easier to book the rush for vaxx is ebbing , half of my state is fully vaxxed supposedly
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