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Old 13-04-2006, 09:30 AM   #8
Solution Was Boost 4?, 6 & 8
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Originally Posted by CAMS290
I have been reading with interest about the launch technique used to get the F6 Turbo's down the 1/4 in the high 12's, low 13's and i wondered if any one has had a go with a auto BF GT/GTP ???

I believe the ZF auto normally takes off in 2nd gear, but some people are stalling them up in 2nd, then pulling them manually back to 1st on take off.
Hi Cam not sure if your question was edited, was reading something about a MPH & worms. e
6 SPEED Auto takes off in 1st, what the 2nd gear stall up does is allow him to put more stall on the car to 2300 rpm, in 1st gear you can not stall this high on the RPM.....
This isn't a problem for you as you can run a high stall and your 1.82 - 60 foot you have is pretty good for a 2 ton bus.
Get some weight out of it, and the 60 will drop.

2017 GT Mustang Plenty of RWKW
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