Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 21-11-2020, 01:44 PM   #7832
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by BENT_8 View Post
360k from a total population of 750m v's the US at 250k from 330m.
When you consider the path the UK took in the early days and weeks of only isolating the vulnerable many of their deaths were preventable but those deaths were not from inaction, rather incorrect action, they realised the mistake and tried to fix it but their health system was already overwhelmed, old mate Trump just hasnt done anything.
yes, you're right. america is the baddest because trump.

when you start to look around at other figures, like excess deaths compared to previous baselines, it paints a different picture to the one the america haters/bashers like to paint.

Its easy to say trump has done nothing, but pray tell what scott morrison did for the victorian outbreak, or the recent outbreak (technically not an outbreak by definition) here? The states here are handled by their own govts. I have no idea how america is run but pretty sure trump isn't in charge of handling much at all. Like any govt, he is just the mouthpiece that goes on tv.

I'm no trump supporter or apologist. i just don't care. it bugs me that he and his country get so much airtime on our little island when there are much bigger issues out there.
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