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Old 09-09-2020, 07:14 PM   #10
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 625
Default Re: Aged Care with Home Care Packages

The typical start to the morning shift... Try convince a resident to have a shower that really needs one as they've refused for the last 7 days (this is their right), then depending how mobile they are you may need the lifter, which there's a shortage of so u go for a hike to find one that's not being used, good luck. Get them in the lifter & cop a few blows to the face & skin ripped off your arm as your not allowed to cut their nails unless they let you, & alot of them have worked out they do more damage when they're long.

So now they're in the lifter & their bowels have let go emptied all through it. Gotta clean that. Get to the shower & it's more of the same resistance. All clean now, let's get them dressed..... Bowels let go again. Better sit them on the toilet for awhile to make sure there's no more..... OK.... No more ****, clean you up & let's get you dressed. Bit hard putting clothes on someone who has clenched up into a tight ball of rigamortis. All dressed now, great..... Oh, bowels let go again. Repeat steps again.

OK resident done, onto the next..... Oh wait, their emergency buzzer is going off, have to go back..... Old Bob just likes to press buttons, all good. After a few times we decide to take away his right to use the buzzer for awhile. Another 8 residents in the section to go. Get screamed at by the registered nurse asking why ur taking so long. Sometimes you come across a dead body, & get them cleaned up, dressed, ready to be viewed by the family & taken away. Might have to cover their face first as sometimes they die with a frozen look of horror..... Hard to see them like that when was only just had a friendly chat yesterday. So much more to say, but will leave it there. Tough emotionally draining job.

Last edited by falcon_bandit; 09-09-2020 at 07:20 PM.
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