Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 03-09-2020, 08:26 PM   #6046
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
In a state of emergency Victoria's charter of human rights and responsibilities is 'suspended' - because we're only 'signatories' to the UN declaration, it needs to be ratified to have any actual effect.

So there's probably no legal leg for anyone to stand on as effectively under SOE you've got basically no rights

It gives State Governments way too much power and you know what happens when Governments have too much power.

I'm a bit of a fan of David Limbrick who is an MP who represents the SE suburbs of Melbourne - his speech on Tuesday was fantastic:

Talks about the Government not trying to negotiate with them and how the Victorian government has become dependent on this draconian legislation.
David is one of the few that can put his points across in a respectable manner. Unlike others that just scream and yell. But where I get confused is when the ones opposing the SOE say the sitting government isn't listening to "the people". Who is "the people"? Because right now, I'm pretty confident that the majority of Victoria supports the measures being taken. If they weren't, there would be wholesale breaches everywhere, the police can't stop everyone. The extension was voted by MPs who represent "their people", and the result is the result.

I was at the servo this afternoon filling up. We had a dust storm overnight and there were 9 cars lined up to get through the auto car wash. Cops rocked up, told the attendant the car wash shouldn't be open (apparently its part of the restrictions?), then went on their way. No angst, no dramas.
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