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Old 29-08-2020, 04:51 PM   #252
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Australia - China - Poltics

Interesting response from the ex WA premier. I wonder what other sitting premiers are thinking. What you can say will be very limited without getting hung by the opposition and the media.

The bill has good intentions, but no way should such powers be granted to an a single minister. Does a defence minister have sufficient experience in business and trade to make a sound risk based decision? What checks and balances are there to stop "deals" being blocked for political gains?
Given that each decision could potentially have long lasting effects, and have huge ramifications on the future for certain industries, it should be done by a committee made up of bipartisan members. Not by an individual who might not be there in less than 4 years.

And if you really want to get serious, remove all foreign influence and funding from our foreign policy think tanks like ASPI and Lowy, which provides foreign strategic advice to the government, and which often end up with "deals" being made. Stop doing things half @ssed.

Victoria will certainly be the biggest loser, followed by WA, then maybe QLD. All Labor states. Maybe just coincidence.

It will be very interesting to hear what the justification for cancelling Vic's BRI MOU will be.....because in 2018......

The ABC's Sabra Lane asked her whether her visit was in any way related to a memorandum of understanding signed between the Andrews Government in Victoria and the People's Republic of China about China's Belt and Road initiative.

"Not in the least," the famously-careful Payne responded. "No, that's a matter for Victoria in that regard.

"We obviously seek opportunities to strengthen engagement with China on regional trade and infrastructure development projects, and that includes the BRI, where those align with international best practices," she said.

I wonder if they'll pick up the phone now
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