Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 29-08-2020, 12:34 PM   #5876
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Other Stats:

24 (11.3%) of the 213 countries with at least one case have had no deaths. Conversely 7 countries have a CMR over 10% led by Italy with 13.365% although Yemen is actually at 28.15% but they have done almost zero testing so the numbers are obviously skewed.

14 (6.6%) of the 213 countries have no active cases currently while 33 (15.5%) still have more than 50% of their cases active.

23 (10.8%) of those countries have less than 10 cases per 100k of population while 121 (56.8%) have more than 100 cases / 100k and 55 (25.8%) have more than 500 cases / 100k led by Qatar (4,102), Bahrain (2,982), Chile (2,123), Panama (2,085), Kuwait (1,957), Peru (1,886) and the USA (1,839).

97 (45.5) countries have less than 2 deaths per 100k of population, (Australia is not one of them at 2.286) while 57 (26.8%) countries have greater than 10 deaths per 100k and 31 (14.6%) have more than 20 deaths per 100k led by Peru (85.7), Belgium (85.2), Spain (62.0), UK (61.1), USA (58.1), Italy (58.7), Chile (58.2) and Brazil (56.2).

56 (26.3%) of countries have tested greater than 10% of their population with a couple over 100% while there are 40 (18.8%) countries that have tested less than 5% including 23 (10.8%) that have tested less than 1%.


Observatio Facta Rotae

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