Originally Posted by ute83
I can't help but shake my head when I see people walking in the early hours wearing a mask or out and about with no one within cooee. And I'm talking one mask. Talk risk for a minute. Half a dozen cases across the country ( excluding Vic ). What is the chance of you copping this virus at these small levels. Even here in vic most cases are isolated to old age homes, so we have half a dozen other cases wandering the streets. If you don't want to get this thing some common sense is all that's needed.
Agree somewhat with your sentiment on wearing masks in low risk areas, but if the gov make exceptions, then people will inevitably look for loopholes or flout it. Its only temporary.
Where are you getting "half dozen"? Last update there were 3000 active cases in Vic, 1000 in aged care. Judging by past isolation stats, that would be about 1500 people running around in shopping centres, cafes and pubs if we didn't have stage 4. Gov is in a no win situation. Open up early, infections rise, people die, get lynched. I cannot see Victorians accepting another stage 4 if we have another outbreak.