Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 03-08-2020, 05:18 PM   #4926
Join Date: Jun 2020
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by DJR-351 View Post
Makes perfect sense if you know what a redundancy payout is!
Whats that?

If thats the case then you get this:

We may reduce or waive this waiting period. We can only do this if the financial hardship is due to unavoidable or reasonable expenses. You’ll need to give us proof such as receipts.

This is how strict Centerlink is now:
Example of waiving the liquid assets waiting period

When Jenny finished work she had $8,400 in savings. She has claimed JobSeeker Payment and has a 6 week liquid assets waiting period.

At her phone appointment, Jenny tells us she doesn’t have that much money any more. She has just spent $1,200 replacing the tyres on her car and $1,000 registering it. This reduced her liquid assets to $6,200.

This is still above the maximum fortnightly rate of JobSeeker Payment for a single person. We don’t consider her to be in severe financial hardship. Jenny will still have to wait the 6 week period.

Jenny calls us 4 weeks later to say she’s been in a car accident. She’s just paid $5,000 to repair her car. She’s also spent $1000 in the last 4 weeks on costs of living. She’s now got less than $200 to live on.

We now consider Jenny to be in severe financial hardship. We’ll waive her waiting period from the date she told us about her accident because she met all these conditions:

her available funds are now less than the maximum payment rate for a single person
she gave us receipts for the tyres, registration and car repairs
her reasonable costs of living are less than what she would get per fortnight for her maximum payment rate.
$200 to live on and now she qualifies.

They want you to burn through that money first then go after them crawling on all fours looking for a coat to tug on "Please sir, may I have some more?"

"MOOORE!!?" They say.

Last edited by gooseneck; 03-08-2020 at 05:28 PM.
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