Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 16-07-2020, 10:03 AM   #4239
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

When you lose someone close, you won't be thinking that masks are weak nor freedom limiting.

Wearing masks when unwell has been done, voluntarily, in some countries for a long time. I remember a mate of mine once said "these bloody asians, they come to our country and they wear a mask, they think we are dirty or something?". I said "No, they are wearing one because they are sick and don't want to spread it". Generally speaking, it stops you spreading rather than you catching. HOwever, I imagine it could help reduce risks by limiting the initial viral load, which determines how severely sick you get.

If you are entering an enclosed place, JFDI! Doesn't matter what Joe Blogg thinks. Statistically it has worked in countries that wear mass en masse. Why are we even arguing, we are not being asked to wear one 24/7, just when we enter places like shops. Think of it has helping your fellow citizens.

I do wish there were better comms around how to wear and handle one properly. When I first started using one, I found myself adjusting it frequently, which meant touching the face. That could actually increase the risk, if say you are touching supermarket products, then readjusting. It takes a while to get used to. Also how to store it, like in the car.
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