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Old 07-07-2020, 12:06 PM   #99
Peter Car
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Default Re: NSW mobile phone detection cameras

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Strawman argument - reversing proof is ridiculous, it's being done to undermine the system to discourage people from contesting fines.

If you've been fined for using your phone how about the government shows proof? They're the ones with the fancy camera system.

Someone gets accused of a rape or murder - prove you didn't commit the rape or murder, doesn't work that way bud, what happened to the presumption of innocent until proven guilty? A pillar of our society.

Might as well as be in Hong Kong - just don't mention independence so you don't end up getting your organs harvested in some Chinese gulag - easy.

Why do we even have police anymore? Let's just have cameras everywhere and then make people prove themselves innocent on accusations.

Slippery slope, give em an inch and they take a mile.
Damn straight. I hope the civil libertarians go nuts over this (they can occasionally be useful )
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