Thread: USA Riots
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Old 02-06-2020, 03:06 PM   #38
Peter Car
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Default Re: USA Riots

Originally Posted by roKWiz View Post
Ok, So shoot to kill is the order of the day then now.

Wonder why they didn't do that with the Bourke St car killer considering they followed him all day into the heart of the city an did nothing.
Because he was in a car for one thing, and they were on the phone trying to negotiate with him. And at that stage he wasn't a threat. By the time he started mowing people down it was too late.

They did make a whole host of errors though. The softly softly approach they were trying to use was a waste of time. Sometimes in those situations you need to hit hard and fast and neutralize the threat, but their recent weak policing tactics didn't allow for it. And they paid the price. But it's easy saying that in hindsight. They would have had no idea what he was about to do.
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