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Old 30-05-2020, 07:36 PM   #46
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Australia - China - Poltics

Sorry guys, I need a rant....and I know many will disagree.

Looking at what is happening in the US right now, I can't help but feel we have been completley stooged, and as a country we have destroyed an income stream based on intel and propaganda coming out of a regime that looks like it is about to collapse. I wonder if minister Payne and Dutton will come out on national TV and condemn a regime that is inciting and glorifying violence against Afro Americans. "when the looting starts the shooting starts" Trump tweets, and was later backed by the White House account. Look up where that quote comes from.

The US have criticised and antagonised HK officials on their handlings of protestors in HK. HK protestors that have been bashing, stabbing and setting local residents on fire for 5 months running. From what I can see, there has been one HK protestor injured from a live bullet round. We are day 3 into the US protest and 7 protestors have been injured with live rounds in Kentucky alone. Who is being brutal and oppressive? The protestors in the HK are "freedom fighters" but the protesters in the US are "thugs"?

I've also been reading up a bit more on the Uyghurs issue, because it always gets brought up, and I encourage people to do their own research. China has historically been hit with terrorism in that region, something that we hear very little about. Market bombings and there was even an incident where a terrorist got on a school bus and stabbed all the Chinese kids. Thousands of innocent residents have died. Ok, so I get why they are clamping down hard. But are they being cruel? The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) initially condemned China for the treatment of the muslim Uyghurs. China invited them to inspect the camps. After which the OIC released a report ( See item 20. WTF?! And before you say "they are only saying this because they are coerced or threatened", tell me how many muslim countries have ever backed down from a threat? The OIC consists of 40+ muslim majority nations, and you'd be kidding yourself if you think as a committee they are being threatened. Here is an aussie article with some examples of the terrorist activities, but they also suggest the IOC is keeping quiet due to fear, which is the BS part:

Then we are told China are losing friends and we should distance ourselves. From what I can see, only we are being stooged. Relationship between China and Russia, Iran, Pakistan and some parts of the EU and Africa have actually improved. Greece wants to open a travel bubble with 29 other countries, one of them is China. 22 European nations have signed up to the BRI, no invasion concerns there?! On the surface, Brazil is condeming China, yet they are fighting to fill the void left by the souring China - Canada trade relationship (which funnily enough was also caused by US).

The US is now exporting more to China than pre-pandemic. The US also ran away from the indepedent review of the pandemic, they didnt sign up at the World Health Assembly after getting us to do their dirty work...but China signed up!?! WTF?! Ok so there is a claim that WHO was in cahoots with China to hide the pandemic. Think rationally about it for a second. The WHO is made up of scientists and officials from member states. I cant believe we wouldnt have American, British or European staff whistle blowing if there indeed was a conspiracy.

We have been butt ****ed

Rant over..
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